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Submitted By xiaofeizai
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394 Part 5: Cases
Liar’s Loan: How the Mortgage Industry Nurtured Deceit.” Slate, April 24, 2008,
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November 15, 2008); Gutierrez, Carl. “Countrywide’s New Bad News.” Forbes, March 10, 2008, http://www.forbes. com/markets/2008/03/10/countrywide-fbi-mortgage-markets-equity-cx_cg_0310markets26.html (accessed
September 1, 2009); Staff infoZine,“Kansas, 11 Other States Reach Agreement with Countrywide Financial
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Countrywide Subprime Lending Frenzy.” The Consumerist, August 27, 2008, subprime-meltdown/inside-the-countrywide-subprime-lending-frenzy-293902.php (accessed November 13,
2008); Morgenson, Gretchen. “Judge Says Countrywide Officers Must Face Suit by Shareholders.” The New York
Times, May 15, 2008, (accessed July 7, 2011);
Morgenson, Gretchen. “Lending Magnate Settles Fraud Case.” The New York Times, October 15, 2010, http://www. (accessed February 14, 2011); Moyer, Liz. “A Subprime
Solution.” Forbes, December 6, 2007, wall-cx_lm_1206subprime.html (accessed March 25, 2008); MSNBC. “‘Liar Loans’ Threaten to Prolong
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Myers, Lisa, and Amna Nawaz. “Feds Probe Countrywide’s ‘VIP’ Program.” NBC News, October 30, 2008, http:// (accessed November 14, 2008); Reckard,
Scott. “Countrywide Head Ousted by Bank of America.” The Los Angeles Times, May 29, 2008, http://www2. (accessed June
2008); Rosenblatt, Joel. “Angelo Mozilo Settles Lending Suit for $6.5 Million.” Bloomberg Businessweek, February 2,
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2011); United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. “Subprime Lending.” offices/fheo/lending/subprime.cfm (accessed March 16, 2008); Wartzman, Rick. “The Countrywide Conundrum.”
BusinessWeek, November 9, 2007, htm?chan=search (accessed March 16, 2008); U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. “Former Countrywide
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October 15, 2010, (accessed February 14, 2011); U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. “SEC Charges Former Countrywide Executives with Fraud.” June 4, 2009, http://www. (accessed February 14, 2011); Zibel, Alan. “Countrywide Settlement: $600
Million to Settle Lawsuits over Subprime Loans.” The Huffington Post, August 3, 2010, http://www.huffingtonpost. com/2010/08/03/countrywide-settlement_n_668429.html (accessed February 14, 2011).

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