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Submitted By kutztown20
Words 660
Pages 3
MKT321 Marketing Topic: ___________ Group:_________

Research Project Written Report Evaluation Rubric

|Category |Exceptional (A) |Admirable (B) |Acceptable (C) |Amature (D) |Earned Grade |
|Cover Page, Table of Content, |Shows superior knowledge of the |Shows adequate knowledge of the |Shows little understanding of the |Shows no understanding of the | |
|and Executive Summary |information included in the cover |information included in the cover sheet, |information included in the cover sheet, |information included in the cover | |
| |sheet, table of content and executive |table of content and executive summary |table of content and executive summary |sheet, table of content and executive | |
| |summary | | |summary | |
|Situation Analysis |An analysis that clearly fulfills all |An analysis that satisfied all the |An analysis that satisfied some of the |An analysis that is unsatisfied and | |
| |the stated objectives, includes all |functional objectives and includes all |functional objectives and includes some of|doesn’t include required parts or | |
| |parts and needs no further explanation |the required parts but needs more |the required parts but needs more thorough|needs more thorough explanations | |
| | |thorough explanations |explanations | | |
|SWOT Analysis |An analysis that clearly fulfills all |An analysis that satisfied all the |An analysis that satisfied some of the |An analysis that is unsatisfied and | |
| |the stated objectives, includes all |functional objectives and includes all |functional objectives and includes some of|doesn’t include required parts or | |
| |parts and needs no further explanation |the required parts but needs more |the required parts but needs more thorough|needs more thorough explanations | |
| | |thorough explanations |explanations | | |
|Marketing Goals and Objectives |An analysis that clearly fulfills all |An analysis that satisfied all the |An analysis satisfied some of the |An analysis that is unsatisfied and | |
| |the stated objectives, includes all |functional objectives and includes all |functional objectives and includes some of|doesn’t include required parts or | |
| |parts and needs no further explanation |the required parts but needs more |the required parts but needs more thorough|needs more thorough explanations | |
| | |thorough explanations |explanations | | |
|Marketing Strategy |An analysis that clearly fulfills all |An analysis that satisfied all the |An analysis that satisfied some of the |An analysis that is unsatisfied and | |
| |the stated objectives, includes all |functional objectives and includes all |functional objectives and includes some of|doesn’t include required parts or | |
| |parts and needs no further explanation |the required parts but needs more |the required parts but needs more thorough|needs more thorough explanations | |
| | |thorough explanations |explanations | | |
|Marketing Implementation, |An analysis that clearly fulfills all |An analysis that satisfied all the |An analysis that satisfied some of the |An analysis that is unsatisfied and | |
|Evaluation, and Audit |the stated objectives, includes all |functional objectives and includes all |functional objectives and includes some of|doesn’t include required parts or | |
| |parts and needs no further explanation |the required parts but needs more |the required parts but needs more thorough|needs more thorough explanations | |
| | |thorough explanations |explanations | | |
|Originality and Creativity |Project/idea is unique, exciting, and |Project/idea is nice but is not unique in|Project/idea works but is not unique. It |Project appears forced and hard to | |
| |fresh. Does not look like the others. |every aspect. It has some similar |has many similar components as the others |follow. Tried to be creative but does | |
| |Shows creativity that works |components as the others. | |not work. | |
|Links to Additional Research |Excellent additional research and |Good additional research and documented |Limited additional research and documented|Incomplete additional research and | |
|and Course Readings |clearly documented links to class |links to the material read |links to any readings |links to any readings | |
| |readings | | | | |
|Writing Skills |Writing is very concise and totally | Writing is concise. There are occasional|There are more than occasional errors | Errors are frequent | |
| |free of errors |errors. | | | |
|APA Format and Sources |Format is perfect and all sources are |Format is appropriate and sources are |Format is mostly appropriate and sources |Inappropriate format and sources are | |
| |accurately documented |documented but have 1-2 errors |are documented but have errors |not accurately documented | |

Total Grade:___________

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