...The Differences in Competencies Between Nurses Prepared at the Associate-degree Level Versus the Baccalaureate-degree Level. Amanda J. Perez Grand Canyon University: NRS-430V-0105 NRS-430V Professional Dynamics March 10, 2013 The Differences in Competencies Between Nurses Prepared at the Associate-degree Level Versus the Baccalaureate-degree Level. Although both an associate-degree level and baccalaureate-degree level prepared nurses may sit for the same NCLEX-RN exam, “nurses prepared at the baccalaureate-level are linked to lower mortality and failure to rescue rates” (AACN, 2012). This is simply one difference between the competencies of a nurse prepared at an associate-degree level versus one prepared at a baccalaureate-degree level. In the mid 1900’s an associate-degree level nurse was thought of as a “technical nurse”, closer to the role of a limited vocational nurse; created to assist the professional baccalaureate-degree level nurses during nursing shortages (GCU, 2013). Since then associate-degree level prepared nurses can very much function and practice on their own, once passing the state board licensing examination. However differences in patient care and nursing approach are evident between associate-degree level and baccalaureate-degree level prepared nurses. According to Table 2-1 “Comparison of Nursing Education Programs” in Conceptual Foundations: The Bridge to Professional Nursing Practice, the purpose of an associate- degree level program is to “prepare...
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...Running head: Differences in competencies Differences in competencies between nurses prepared at the associate- level versus the baccalaureate-degree level John Edgar May 15, 2011 Differences in competencies between nurses prepared at the associate- level versus the baccalaureate-degree level As a registered nurse the individual has an opportunity to work with other healthcare professionals in an effort to provide quality of care to the clients they are responsible for in a variety of different settings. In an effort to provide quality of care it is important to verify that the care is delivered safely and in a manner that promotes the patients over all well-being. The question that is being asked by many in the healthcare community is whether or not the patient is best served by having the care delivered by an associate-degree nurse (ADN) or a nurse that has a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN). This paper will review a few of the differences in competencies for nurses that are prepared at the associate-degree level versus the baccalaureate-degree level in nursing. There are three levels of education that will qualify an individual to take the National Council Licensure Exam (NCLEX). The associate’s degree in nursing consists of two years of concentrated study focused on clinical skills in the community college setting. The diploma nursing program offers three years of nursing education focused on learning nursing skills in a hospital-based setting. In diploma nursing...
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...Differences in competencies between nurses prepared at the associate-degree level Versus the baccalaureate –degree Rene Botha NUR-430-0503 10/11/2015 Differences in competencies between nurses prepared at the associate-degree level Versus the baccalaureate –degree Although Associate degree nurses acquire enough training, studies have shown that obtaining a higher education in nursing have better patient outcomes a decrease in patient mortalities and higher educated nurses have better professional values. The October 2010 report done by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation stated “to respond to the demands of an evolving health care system and meet the changing needs of patients, nurses must achieve higher levels of education”. (Rosseter .2015.p.1). Although students enrolled in the baccalaureate degree as well as the associate degree both have to take the NCLEX-RN exam this test does not take into account the competencies as well as skills obtained through the baccalaureate program versus the associate degree. A study done by the researchers from the University of Pennsylvania attributes the reason Magnet hospitals had better patient outcomes was because of the higher amount of baccalaureate nurses they had on staff. (Rosseter .2015). This fact contributed to a fourteen percent decrease in patient deaths within thirty days after surgery. The issue of the Journal of Nursing Administration of February 2013 found that nurses with a baccalaureate degree had better patient...
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...Comparison of Nursing Practice between Associate Degree level Nurses and Baccalaureate Degree Level Nurses Leila R. Chanid Grand Canyon University: Professional Dynamics NRS 430v January 8, 2012 Abstract This paper will compare the Nursing profession across the healthcare industry of Associates Degree Level Nurses and Baccalaureate-Degree level nurses. It discusses the preparedness of beginning practice at both levels, exploring competencies developed by both trained professionals and the differences in the learning experience each of them contain. It also compares the new graduate in the workforce at both levels of education. Research from journals, nursing books from accredited colleges and magazines were used to discuss their differences. Nursing has slowly over the years become a respected profession due to leaders in history whom changed the way healthcare outcomes were established in nursing. Nursing professionals can thank leaders such as Florence Nightingale for understanding the complexity of care involved in a community and the importance of training for nurses. St. Thomas Hospital in London, England founded by Florence Nightingale in the 1860’s was the beginning of the transformation of the way nurses practice and levels of training a nurse can accomplish. The Civil War and Great Depression era’s created a definite need for good trained nurses and patient outcomes became a way of evaluating the training of nurses. As, patient outcomes improved...
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...Differences in competence between Associate degree and Baccalaureate degree 1 Running head: EDUCATION PREPARATION Education preparation: Differences in competences between nurses prepared at the Associate degree level versus Baccalaureate degree level nursing Awudu Braimah Shaibu Grand Canyon University: NRS-430V Professional dynamics. Date: 10/07/2012 Differences in competencies between Associate and Baccalaureate degree level nursing 2 Associate degree level nursing is a two year nursing program that is being pursued in most of the community colleges in the United States of America. Students pursuing associate degree complete or earn 60 credits in order to graduate from this program. Baccalaureate degree or BSN level nursing is a four year nursing program that is offered in most of the colleges/universities across America. Students pursuing this program required to complete/earn 120 credits in order to be able to complete the program. This paper is going to look at the differences in competencies in these two programs. Research has shown that quality patient care depend on having a well educated...
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...Competencies Among Associates Degree Nurses (ADN) and Baccalaureate Degree Nurses (BSN) Kristel Garan, RN Grand Canyon University: Nursing 430V April 13, 2014 Competencies Among ADNs and BSNs Does the educational level of a registered nurse (RN) have an impact on patient outcomes and safety? Yes, in fact the Baccalaureate Degree in Nursing (BSN) prepared RN has been linked to lower mortality rates, medication errors, decubitus ulcers, and shorter lengths of stay (Blegen, Goode, Park, Vaughn, & Spetz, 2013). According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN] (2013), there are approximately 2.8 million RNs actively practicing, of which 55% currently hold a BSN degree. In the United States, both graduates of ADN and BSN degree should pass the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) for Registered Nurses licensing examination (Rich & Nugent, 2009). However, this does not mean that every nursing graduate is equally prepared for practice. It has been emphasized that the entry-level licensing exam measures only minimum technical competency for safe nursing practice (AACN, 2013). Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary (n.d.) defines competence as “the ability to do something well”. Since it has been demonstrated that the BSN prepared RN is more “prudent” in yielding safer patient outcomes, it is critical to examine the differences in competencies among ADN versus BSN prepared nurses, as well highlight these differences by examining a developed...
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...it to this day. At that time, I did not realize that there was so much of a difference in a BSN prepared nurse and an ADN prepared nurse. I was young and naïve and did not think about the future of my career. There are 3 different ways to become a registered nurse: a three year diploma program, a three year associate degree, and a four year baccalaureate degree. All three of these programs each prepare the RN at different levels. Nurses attain different competencies in each program. This paper will focus on the associate degree prepared nurse versus the baccalaureate degree prepared nurse. Baccalaureate nursing programs cover all of the content taught in an associate degree program with the addition of “a more in depth treatment of the physical and social sciences, nursing research, public and community health, nursing management, and the humanities. The additional course work enhances the student’s professional development, prepares the nurse for a broader scope of practice, and provides the nurse with a better understanding of the cultural, political, economic and social issues that affect patients and influence healthcare delivery” (Rosseter, 2014, p1). BSN programs focus on evidence-based clinical practice and leadership. Whereas, students in an ADN program focus on learning the technical skills of nursing needed to provide direct care to patients. The baccalaureate nurse is prepared to work with patients, including individuals, families, groups, communities,...
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...Title - Difference in competencies between nurses prepared at the Associate degree level versus Baccalaureate degree level in nursing. Name - Thomas Paleyl Course – NRS-430V- 0109 Date – 12 April 2014 The importance of education cannot be over-emphasize in any walks of life, it is the vehicle that drive individual to the destination point of achieving goals, objectives and making dreams come true. It is in the same token that people aspire to move up the ladder in their respective field of endeavor in order to get closer to their dreams. But with this education qualification come enormous responsibility in terms of skills and techniques. Thus the differences between Associate Degree Nurse (ADN) versus Baccalaureate Degree Nurse (BSN) could be seen in the manner with which clinical techniques, experience and skills that are applied in the process of taking care of patient. In order to earn an Associate Degree in nursing one would have to undergo two to three years course in a junior college or community college, after which one would qualified to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) and then ready to work in any healthcare organization. Because of nurses shortage in the 50s, it become necessary to find other ways of...
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...Running head; DIFFERNCES BETWEEN ADN VERSUS BSCN DEGREE. THE DIFFERENCES IN COMPETENCIES BETWEEN NURSES PREPARED AT THE ASSOCIATE- DEGREE LEVEL VERSUS THE BACCALAUREATE-DEGREE LEVEL IN NURSING. NOORJAHAN K. BUDHANI GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY PROFESSIONAL DYNAMICS NRS- 430 V. MS TARA HARRIS. SEP 09, 2012. The differences and competencies between ADN and BSN nursing is very vast and important topic. Nurses must understand that why nowadays hospital require BSN degree. My assignment contain some very beneficial and detail information on this topic. There are three types of degree those who appear to take Nursing licensure Exam for registered nurse (NCLEX-RN). Diploma in nursing that offered through hospitals, second is associate degree which can be obtained through community college or any technical schools and the third is baccalaureate which is usually obtained through a college or university today I will discuss some very important differences between ADN and BSCN programs. An “ ADN program is a two years associate degree usually offered at community colleges ; BSN degree is a four year program offered at senior colleges and university ( AACN)’’. According to the American association of college of nursing (AACN), “a BSCN program encompass all of the course work taught in an associate’s degree and diploma program plus a more in depth treatment of the physical and social sciences, nursing research, public and community health, nursing management and the humanities...
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...Differences in Competencies between Nurses Prepared at the Associate-Degree Level versus the Baccalaureate-Degree Level in Nursing Anonymous Grand Canyon University: NRS-430 Professional Dynamics December 1, 2013 Nursing has come a long way, since the beginning of an era when ordinary people without any formal education took care of the sick and poor. Their means of taking care of patients were basic and they were mostly men. Today, nurses have formal education and are registered and hold degrees in all aspect of the medical field. Nurses hold degrees from Associate Degree level to bachelors of Science Degree and even higher – masters and doctoral Degrees. A Registered nurse is defined according to Webester’s dictionary as “a graduate nurse who is licensed by a state authority after qualifying for registration” (merriam-webster, 2013) There are three ways to becoming a registered nurse. Firstly, one can study at a hospital for a total of three years and earn a diploma, secondly, one can study at a junior college for two years and gain knowledge in the sciences and receive an Associate-Degree, and thirdly, one can attend a four-Year College where he/she can obtain Baccalaureate-Degree. At the end of the study program the NCLEX-RN examination board is written to be qualified to be a registered nurse (moore, 2009). There are differences in the education and curriculum between the two programs, the associate-degree trained nurse and the baccalaureate...
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...Nurses at Associate-Degree level versus Baccalaureate-Degree level Nursing is evolving and a higher level of education makes the nurse more efficient and it also opens doors for advancement. There are several educational levels to prepare to become a nurse. There is the Associate Degree, which is 2 year program, a 3 year diploma Degree, and the Baccalaureate, a 4 year nursing program. Although there are some similarities in terms of taking the NCLEX-RN exams and acquiring an RN license after completion, there are also some differences. At both the 2 year Associate Degree and the 3 year diploma Degree levels, the educational qualification is minimum and the nurse is competent enough to give safe professional nursing care, where as in the 4 year Baccalaureate Degree program, it takes 2 years longer to finish and the nurse gets an additional theory based on knowledge with critical thinking skills, competency in problem solving skills, and is able to make nursing diagnosis in patient care while have good communication skills. According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), The National voice for Baccalaureate and graduate nursing programs believes that education has a significant impact on the knowledge and competencies of the nurse as it does for all health care providers (AACN). Nurses with Baccalaureate Degrees in nursing have more knowledge to meet the demands required of a present day nurse and are able to recognize their skills in critical thinking...
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...Associate-Degree Level versus Baccalaureate-Degree Level According to the Institute of Medicine (IOM), the improvement in quality of education for health professionals is necessary to continue to meet the needs of the health care delivery system. (“Health Professions,” 2003). Nursing has evolved throughout the centuries; from the male-dominated religious caregivers dated as far back as 250 B.C., to the registration of nursing created by Elizabeth Grace Neil in 1901. Moreover, the continuous rapid advances and demand in health care has prompted alternatives in educational programs. Mildred Montag, the founder of the 2 year Associates degree, created this program to combat scarcity in nursing during World War II. (Creasia and Friberg, 2011, p.15). Countless research and investigation has been conducted to analyze the differences between nurses' competencies prepared at the Associate-degree level to the Baccalaureate-degree level in dealing with the outcome of patient care. Differences in Curriculum The Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) is a 2-year program that focuses on clinical experiences and technical competence. On the other hand, the Bachelor’s Degree of Science in Nursing (BSN) is a 4-year program that focuses on preparing professional nurses for acute care, community-based treatment, and the inception of leadership and administrative positions. The BSN level integrates with the infrastructure of knowledge that was built during training at the ASN level in preparation...
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...Educational Preparation 1. Discuss the differences in competencies between nurses prepared at the associate-degree level versus the baccalaureate-degree level. Grand Canyon University: NRS 430V Victoria Grant November 8, 2015 A well educated professionals are usually needed to enter the nursing profession because of the complexity of the nursing profession today. There are usually three route for the entry level into the nursing profession. Associate degree in nursing (ADN), a diploma or a baculearate in nursing (BSN). Regardless all three have to take the NCLEX exams and pass to be practicing as an RN. Even though they all have the same passing rate they do not equate to the BSN program. Although the entry level for nursing has always being the baccalaureate degree, the shortage of nursing has allowed ADN graduates to be hired at the entry level. There are differences in competencies between the three. On that note the ADN and the BSN degrees and there competencies will be discussed. The Associate Degree Nurse and its competencies The Associate is a two year degree usually in a community college which was started because there was shortage in nursing in the 1950s. It requires courses in arts and sciences and more integrated approach nursing content and clinical learning. They were trained to help filled the demand of nurses at that time to give bed side nursing. These ADN or technical RNs as they were called were to work with BSN professional...
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...Discuss the differences in competiencies between nurses prepared at the AD level versus the BSN level in nursing Identify a patient care situation in which you describe how nursing care of approaches to decisioin making may differ based upon the educational preparation of the nurse (BSN versus a ADN) Competent bedside nurses, regardless of degree, are in high demand. To become a licensed registered nurse, all nurses must pass the NCLEX licensing exam, and graduate from an accredited school of nursing. The debate continues as to whether an ADN degree is adequate, or whether nurses need more advanced training with the BSN degree. This paper will discuss the differences between these two degrees. http://www.aacn.nche.edu/media-relations/fact-sheets/adn-facts AACN recognizes the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) as the minimum educational requirement for what the organization holds to be professional-level nursing practice. AACN's support for the BSN does not mean that we seek to bar ADN graduates from practicing nursing to the full extent of their skills and abilities. AACN maintains this position while recognizing the role ADN-prepared nurses play in the delivery of health care. AACN has a long history of supporting RN-to-Baccalaureate education. From 1986-1988, AACN conducted a study funded by the Division of Nursing, HRSA. The purpose of the study was to provide national data about RN-to-Baccalaureate education both from the institutional and student perspectives...
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...DIFFERENCES IN COMPETENCIES BETWEEN NURSES PREPARED AT THE ASSOCIATE- DEGREE LEVEL VERSUS THE BACCALAUREATE-DEGREE LEVEL Donald Villarreal Grand Canyon University: NRS-430V Professional Dynamic 01/09/2016 DIFFERENCES IN COMPETENCIES BETWEEN NURSES PREPARED AT THE ASSOCIATE- DEGREE LEVEL VERSUS THE BACCALAUREATE-DEGREE LEVEL According to Graves & McMullen (2015), registered nursing ranked number 9 on top 25 jobs for 2015. Nursing has gained great admiration over time and there is a demand for registered nurses in our world today. This profession dates back to the 1800’s and Florence Nightingale the developer of modern nursing, went beyond just administering medications but was more concerned for her patients as a whole. A lot of practices that are in place at the hospitals, clinics, and schools today are due to her insightful research overtime. It is the nurses that have more contact with the patient than the doctors, it is the nurses that are at bedside in the middle of the night, and it is the nurses who comfort the families as well. This line of work requires a person to make good judgment calls, life-threatening decisions, and critical thinking on behalf of the patient. Any person who chooses to become a registered nurse must graduate from an accredited nursing program and obtain either an associate’s degree in nursing (ADN) or a bachelor’s degree in nursing (BSN). To obtain an associate degree it may take two years while bachelor’s degree takes four years...
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