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Submitted By haanjii
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The need for discipline in the public services

Discipline is controlled behaviour which is calmly collected this is shown in a service like the army where the officers would tell the soldiers what to do, disisipline would be responding with a yes sir and getting on with what was asked for. . Orders need to be followed in the public services because if they weren’t the task set would not get done in time everyone would just do the tasks in their own time meaning deadlines would not be able to be met

Self discipline
Having discipline means that you’re willing, Self-discipline is where you have discipline yourself and have to get to lessons and work on time you also have to have self-discipline to get all the things you are told to do right.

Why we need discipline in the public services
We need discipline in the public services because if we didn’t no one would get the tasks or operations done properly or in the time set, for example in the army if they had no self discipline and the soldiers had got asked to do something most of them just would not be bothered to do it.
Having the discipline to arrive on time shows that you care for the role you’re in, discipline helps put structure in the team, if the public services had no structure then it would look unprofessional to the public and nothing would get done.

In the public services rewards and punishment can be used to enforce discipline. For example the army use medals to praise those who have done a service. This is an great way to of motivating members of the uniformed services to behave in the correct manner. Acts of indiscipline can be punishment by reduction in pay or

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