Premium Essay

Distracted Driving


Submitted By martinicork
Words 1037
Pages 5
Distracted Driving
Sometimes in life “sorry” can become a magic word and fix everything, then there are times that saying “sorry” undoes nothing. Will saying “sorry” help when you crash your parent’s car, because you are too busy looking at your phone? What about when you kill someone’s child because you’re too busy talking to your friend and run a stop light? Will you say “sorry” to the kid’s parents and expect everything to be okay? Saying “sorry” cannot begin to fix some things and preventing those from happening by acting responsibly in the first place is the best you can do. I like the introduction technique with the hypothetical questions. However, you now need to transition into your thesis or central claim, and that central claim needs to come here, at the end of the intro paragraph.
Ninety percent of car accidents are caused by human error – driving under the influence of alcohol and marijuana, speeding recklessly, changing lanes without signaling, passing through red lines, and probably most known of all: distracted driving OK, first of all, don’t begin body paragraphs with statistics. Rarely should you do this. Instead, remember that I want your body paragraphs to begins with subclaims. Secondly, where did you get this statistic? This is not a research paper (you’ll be taught proper research in Composition II). For now, we want you to avoid research sources except your interviews. . Distracted Driving is dangerous and can kill you and those people around you.—THIS is a subclaim. The problem is, it needs to be backed up by the kind of evidence we’ve been talking about in this class—personal evidence and evidence from your interviews. It involves texting and driving, listening to music, having a conversation to someone in the passenger seat and eating while driving.
A lot of people drive while they talk on their phone and even texting on their phone,

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