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Doing a Dyson


Submitted By HugoBoss1
Words 660
Pages 3
When Dyson entered, the vacuum cleaner market was a very mature market with recognised appliance giants selling their branded vacuum cleaners comfortably without much differentiation or innovation in terms of technology. I think this played into Dyson’s hands allowing the Dual Cyclone’s disruptive, innovative & design and technology capture the harts & minds of the customer. These market conditions where a factor in the success of the Dual Cyclone. The market proved to have an appetite for something new and different.
The fact that the Dyson had over 100 patents helped ensure that the large appliance giants could not quickly come to market with exactly the same technology at a lower cost. This was also a factor in securing and maintaining differentiating the Dual Cyclone and its success.
The early success of the Dual Cyclone was written off as “just a fad” by competitors allowing Dyson to continue to take more and more market share.
Iterating and extending the range with different versions that appealed to different users like Dyson Absolute, The De Stijl and the Antartica also helped the success of the Dual Cyclone technology capture a larger market share.
Education of both the retail staff through the use of demo models and discounted pricing and of the public through television advertising also played a key role in the success of the brand.

Assignment Question 2:

Dyson’s service strategy was direct model aimed at ensuring and exceptional service experience for the customer. Not out sourcing gave Dyson control over the training and methods used in servicing the customer. An in-house team of experts would respond to calls place to the helpline number that is printed on all the Dyson products. To incentivise knowledge share the service teams were split into pods of six who would work together and have knowledge sharing breakout sessions.
As the team

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