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Donald Trump Taking Away Dacas Rhetorical Analysis

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Words 544
Pages 3
1. i want the audience to believe that donald trump taking away dacas is a very impacting part of hispanic teens’ lives.
2. Many hispanic teens rely on dacas to be able to get an education. Without dacas they can not try and get citizenship later on or make their parents proud.
3. I believe that they're important because everyone deserves a right to learn and be a part of this audience may or may not believe this due to the fact that everyone has a different opinion on “immigrants” having an education.everyone wants to be able to accomplish something in life. For many teens this is finishing an education and making something of themselves.
4. My audience is people who support trump or don't support trump taking dacas away from hispanic teens.the audience probably has the same warrants as i do because many people lack an education but would love to have had one. These people want to give hispanic teens a chance and can also agree with my thesis.america can be seen as an unfair place for hispanic teens especially now that trump has targeted many of those teens with dacas. The audience can see this as an opportunity to help out and protest …show more content…
Dan stein (the author) of this article supports trump and thinks that taking away dacas is a way of liberating us into a new world.he thinks that it would have been struck down by the courts had it been challenged when obama was president anyway. Dan thinks that parents are to blame. As it says in the article,”illegal immigration rests with parents who violate our laws and put their kids at risk.” the parents of these kids only wanted to better their lives. They should not be put to blame for seeking a better life for their children. I think that letting these hispanic teens keep their dacas will make trump seem as if he's a better person than he actually is. This might give a chance for redemption and support from hispanics everywhere. Hispanic teens depend on dacas and should be able to keep what they've

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