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Dont Shoot the Dog


Submitted By bornbananas
Words 65349
Pages 262
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Karen Pryor
To my mother, Sally Ondeck; my stepmother, Ricky Wylie; and Winifred Sturley, my teacher and friend.

Foreword 1—Reinforcement: Better than Rewards In which we learn of the ferocity of Wall Street lawyers; of how to—and how not to—buy presents and give compliments; of a grumpy gorilla, a grudging panda, and a truculent teenager (the author); of gambling, pencil chewing, falling in love with heels, and other bad habits; of how to reform a scolding teacher or a crabby boss without their knowing what you've done; and more. 2—Shaping: Developing Super Performance Without Strain or Pain How to conduct an opera; how to putt; how to handle a bad report card. Parlor games for trainers. Notes on killer whales, Nim Chimpsky Zen, Gregory Bateson, the Brearley School, why cats get stuck in trees, and how to train a chicken. 3—Stimulus Control: Cooperation Without Coercion Orders, commands, requests, signals, cues, and words to the wise; what works and what doesn't. What discipline isn't. Who gets obeyed and why. How to stop yelling at your kids. Dancing, drill teams, music, martial arts, and other recreational uses of stimulus control. 4—Untraining: Using Reinforcement to Get Rid of Behavior You Don't Want Eight methods of getting rid of behavior you don't want, from messy roommates to barking dogs to bad tennis to harmful addictions, starting with Method 1: Shoot the Animal, which definitely works, and ending with Method 8: Change the Motivation, which is more humane and definitely works too. 5—Reinforcement in the Real World What it all means. Reading minds, coaching Olympic teams, how happiness can affect corporate profits, ways to deal with other governments, and other practical applications of reinforcement theory. 6—Clicker Training: A New Technology From the dolphin tanks to everyone's backyard:

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