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Dossey V. Barden Case Study

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On that evening he placed James Barden under arrest and completed all reports related to that arrest. One of the booking charges for Barden was 2800.2a VC-Felony Evading. Dossey acknowledged having been involved in several pursuits during his employment as a Pomona Police Officer. Dossey acknowledged being familiar with the criteria required to charge someone with this crime.

Dossey stated that he recalls turning on his lights and siren while following the vehicle which Barden was operating. Due to this recollection Dossey indicated in his reports that he activated his lights and siren. Dossey stated that if a video exists indicating otherwise that it may be due to a mistake. The mistake maybe either him being caught up in the moment with …show more content…
Dossey explained that he experienced a high level of tunnel vision and stress during this incident due to the Barden being a wanted attempt murder suspect.

Dossey said that during this incident the windows to his police unit were rolled up because the sirens are loud. Dossey added that during every one of the pursuits he has been involved that he has never heard the siren emitting from his police vehicle. Dossey said that when he is involved in very stressful situations his state of mind makes it so that he cannot hear the siren.

Dossey acknowledged that in the video that was shown to him prior to the interview, of a traffic he conducted on 11/16/15 at approximately 0300, that the light were operational and visible. Dossey also acknowledged after viewing the video and listening to the audio involving the incident with Barden that he did not hear a siren or see any overhead lights coming from his police unit.

Dossey said that he has never reviewed any video related to any of the pursuits he has been involved in to assist in preparing the reports after the pursuit. Regarding this particular incident Dossey stated that he did not feel the need to review the video because he believed what he perceived to be

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