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Drug Free Sports


Submitted By bigd0984
Words 493
Pages 2
The purpose of is to prevent drug abuse in sports and try to find new alternatives to drug use to help out sports organizations and athletes. They educate people on what drugs and supplements are banned and what isn’t banned in certain sports organizations. They have an updated banned/prohibited for organizations like the National Collegiate Athletic Association, National Football League, PGA, and other major sports organizations. What separates them from other drug testing companies is that they actually work with sports organizations so they have a good understanding what the sports organization want and don’t want in the their athletes bodies.

In 1999 Frank Uryasz, former director of sports sciences for the NCAA, created the National Center for Drug Free Sport. Uryasz created Drug Free Sport because there was no national organization that focused on the specific drug policies of sports organizations. He thought sports organizations needed a independent drug testing program.

I feel like could definitely use the information and resources on this website to educate people. They seem like a reputable website that has well known sports organizations that would vouch for DrugFreeSport. They don’t try to sell nothing or try to promote any products. Their intentions seem to be good.

What I like about DrugFreeSport is that they actually work with a lot of sports organizations so they would have a pretty good clue on what certain organizations want. They also have a resource center so if you need a specific answer about something, you could find out at their Resource Exchange Center. They say all the information on their resource center is up to date accurate information on supplements and banned drugs.

The website doesn’t recommend any promises of a quick fix. The only thing the website does is try to promote sports being drug free and taking safe alternatives to drugs. The website will educate you on if something is on a banned list for your sport or not. The website does warn you of things like growth hormones and steroids but doesn’t say it’s dangerous. Instead they will say things like drugs like there haven’t been long term studies on things like that, which is true. DrugFreeSport doesn’t try to trick you with something that sounds too good to be true. The website seems to just tell you facts that they know about certain drugs and what sports organizations will approve of. I haven’t seen anything on the website that indicates that DrugFreeSport drew conclusions off of one study. Nowhere on the website was there a list of good or bad foods. It seems like the closest thing they have to that is when they will try to give alternatives to drugs. They don’t sell any product on the website. You have to have a subscription to get certain information but they aren’t selling a product. I haven’t seen anywhere on the website that has them having different believes for most science organizations.

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