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Dualism Vs Brain

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Is the mind distinct from the brain?
Is the mind distinct from the brain? This question has been asked and discussed for thousands of years by philosophers. Today I am going to explore it with one of the most well-known perspective of this question, dualism. In this case, mind-body dualism specifically.
The origin of dualism can be traced back to Plato and Aristotle, Ancient Greece. But when people talk about modern dualism, the French philosopher Rene Descartes is the person couldn’t be ignored. He is the one who modified and made dualism a complete philosophical theory. Descartes thinks that there are two sides of the activity of people, the physical side and the spiritual side, therefore people are constituted by two different …show more content…
Therefore, I would like to analyses it from two perspectives, causality and neuroscience.
Galileo proved that in the physical world everything follow the law of cause and effect, this fact can be applied in dualism as well. Because body has the property of extension, it must occupy some space in physical world to exist, therefore it is determined by causality. On the contrary, soul is not a physical being, so it doesn’t follow the rule of cause and effect, it is ‘free’. But Descartes also proposes that mind and body have a two-way causal relationship, after all the consciousness and the body don’t act separately.
The problem of this theory is that Descartes doesn’t explain how the soul and body form a relationship of two-way causality. If dualism is true that soul and body are complete different yet independent, how do they even establish any bonds between each other and form any interactions in the first place? Although Descartes later claimed Pineal gland may be the so-called bridge between soul and body, the theory was falsified by science. Whether there is an organ or somewhere inside our body can do what Descartes says remains

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