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Early and Middle Childhood Roles


Submitted By armyeodwifenjoy
Words 256
Pages 2
One role that has changed and can be seen as different is the role of caregiver. More men are staying home and taking care of the children while the women works and takes care of the families financial needs. In past generations the mom was the one staying home and this would have been the norm but as times change this role has also. Some families even have two working parents while children are placed in daycare. This is another changed in generation.
Another role that is acquired during early and middle adulthood is the need for marriage or staying married. Many early and middle adults are not staying married when their relationships are no longer generally happy. They are not willing to work on differences and once the compassion has left the relationship for them it is easier to end the relationship than look for what is lost. Some would rather not marry at all, than have the worry of divorce, or being in a relationship that has no love.
When looking at the roles of caregiver and marriage in modern society I can see this being a change positive for feminist movement. Women are able to support themselves and men are able to take on the role that was once thought to be a woman’s job. Society does not see a need for house work or marriage to be a woman’s destiny. Women are capable and able to be any role in society and moving forward with this thought will help the

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