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Early Child Development


Submitted By hamilton89
Words 1122
Pages 5
Early Child Development

Infancy and Early Childhood Development

The brain of infants and early childhood development is empty and absorbable like a sponge throughout adulthood. At infancy stage, the brain develops according to exposure to verbal expression exposure and visual physical observation exposure. The human being brain will utilize the exposures throughout the developing stages in life (Feldman, 2010). Parenting interaction with an infant and environmental condition affects the way infants develop. Hence, it is fundamental to set positive structure from the beginning because the exposure cannot be undone when raising a child. It is significantly important to provide a nurturing environment.

The Affect Families Have On Infants and Childhood Development

From infancy, the brain instantaneously goes through developmental change. The progress is an effect of genes and the environment the infant is exposing to and as an outcome of experiences. Early childhood experiences have two categories; experience-dependent and experience-expectant. Experience-expectant refers to the development of the nervous system and it is predictable to develop in a certain way. Standard cognitive growth is reliant of the positive type of environmental exposure. With the exception of any type of fetal damage to the brain, in order for the experience-expectant to be within usual range of development; when an infant is exposed to a loving gesture (as an example), it should respond cognitively.

Experience-dependent growth refers to the conditioned behavior response of new experiences and exposures that would occur throughout life. This promotes brain growth and is only superior when coupled with a constructive family environment. Any dispossession of either of these roles can seriously compromise an individual’s ability to flourish, both cognitively and

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