Premium Essay

Eating Healthy


Submitted By blossom11
Words 802
Pages 4
Eating healthy should be a goal that every person tries to achieve. It’s no surprise that people aren’t eating healthy now due to the food industry and the lack of motivation someone might have. In other words, a person who doesn’t eat healthy may experience a lot of judgement based on their habits. By continuing unhealthy eating habits it can cause long term side effects like eating disorders which could prevent a person from ever maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Nevertheless, eating healthy should be a main priority in peoples lives. In his article, “Eating for Health, Not Weight,” Dean Ornish explains to the readers that the biggest misconception regarding to weight loss is if people lose a lot of weight they don’t have to worry about what is being consumed. According to Ornish, being lean is not the same as being healthy, just like trying different diets doesn’t mean someone can expect their results to come any faster. Ornish mentions that there was a study conducted at the nonprofit Preventive Medicine Research Institute that had “patients who ate mostly plant-based meals”; they also participated in exercise and stress relief techniques, which led to significant improvements that caused them to reverse any stages of health problem. In fact, it is mentioned in the article that your diet should include high carbs like “vegetables, whole grain, legumes, soy products” and also some type of fish. By Americans having such a poor diet it could result in “about seventy five percent of two point eight trillion dollars in annual health care cost in the United States.” Therefore, as a nation we need to put our foot down and try to help people make the right decisions on what they consume in their daily life. Eating healthy causes someone to have more confident, and feel like they can achieve anything if they just put their mind to it. But eating unhealthy may

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