...Question 1 1. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- "XYZ's receivables turnover is 10x. The accounts receivable at year-end are $600,000. The average collection period is 36 days. What was the sales figure for the year assuming all sales are on credit? " ------------------------------------------------- Answer | | "$60,000 " | | | "$6,000,000 " | | | "$24,000,000 " | | | None of the above | 5 points Question 2 1. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- "Oak Enterprises has a beta of 1.2, the market return is 11%, and the T-bill rate is 4%. What is their expected required return of common equity? " ------------------------------------------------- Answer | | Between 11% and 12% | | | Between 12% and 13% | | | between 9% and 10% | | | between 7% and 8% | 5 points Question 3 1. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- "Ian would like to save $1,500,000 by the time he retires in 40 years. If he believes that he can achieve a 7% rate of return, how much does he need to deposit each year to achieve his goal? " ------------------------------------------------- Answer | | "$9,692 " | | | "$27,500 " | | | "$5,790 " | | | "$7,514 " | 5 points Question 4 1. ------------------------------------------------- ...
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...Home Entertainment: Cable TV vs. Internet Streaming Service Miguel A. Resendiz Campbell University Home Entertainment: Cable TV vs. Internet Streaming In my household we are a family of four which includes my wife, my teenage brother, my daughter and me. When it comes to entertainment, we are very dependent on television. We have some shows that we enjoy as a family and because of the age difference and different interest we also have shows that we enjoy watching independently. The necessity of having a home entertainment that is low priced and adaptable to the needs of the family leads to analyze the decision whether to continue with cable television or switch to internet streaming. Home entertainment in America is constantly evolving side by side with technology. The Cable television industry has been dominating home entertainment market for many years but a new industry is now in the challenge, the new competitor is Internet Streaming Service and is also rising with technology. In his book, On-Demand Culture: Digital Delivery and the Future of Movies, Dr. Tyron explains, “Digital delivery not only affects the economic models of the movie industry but also promotes an on-demand culture, in which the practices of movie-going and the perceptions of media culture are transformed. Movie viewers are now re-imagined as individualized and mobile, able to watch practically anywhere or anytime they wish, while having access to aspects of film culture—such as film festivals...
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...PRIMARY HEALTH CARE CLINICS IN WILLIAMSON COUNTY, TEXAS MARKET RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS AUSTINTATIOUS CONSULTING, LLC PREPARED FOR: DR. CHAU NGUYEN TABLE OF CONTENTS I. PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF ENGAGEMENT ........................ 1 A. YOUR CLINIC ........................................................................... 1 B. OUR EVALUATION.................................................................... 2 II. THE EVOLUTION AND CURRENT STATE OF THE HEALTH CARE INDUSTRY IN THE UNITED STATES............................... 2 A. THE IMPACT OF MEDICARE ...................................................... 3 B. IMPACTS OF THE THIRD-PARTY PAYER SYSTEM ........................ 3 C. THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT AND BEYOND .............................. 5 III. MARKET STRUCTURE........................................................... 5 A. QUALITATIVE ASSESSMENTS .................................................... 5 B. QUANTITATIVE MEASURES ....................................................... 7 IV. COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT .......................................... 9 A. THE FIVE FORCES ................................................................. 10 B. SYNTHESIS ........................................................................... 11 V. LEGISLATIVE AND REGULATORY CONCERNS ............... 12 VI. CONCLUSION .................................................................... 12 ABSTRACT This analysis and memorandum were prepared by Marshall Coover, Chau ...
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...For studying demand reDurbin–Watson statistic From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search This article includes a list of references, but its sources remain unclear because it has insufficient inline citations. Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations. (December 2012) In statistics, the Durbin–Watson statistic is a test statistic used to detect the presence of autocorrelation (a relationship between values separated from each other by a given time lag) in the residuals (prediction errors) from a regression analysis. It is named after James Durbin and Geoffrey Watson. The small sample distribution of this ratio was derived by John von Neumann (von Neumann, 1941). Durbin and Watson (1950, 1951) applied this statistic to the residuals from least squares regressions, and developed bounds tests for the null hypothesis that the errors are serially uncorrelated against the alternative that they follow a first order autoregressive process. Later, John Denis Sargan and Alok Bhargava developed several von Neumann–Durbin–Watson type test statistics for the null hypothesis that the errors on a regression model follow a process with a unit root against the alternative hypothesis that the errors follow a stationary first order autoregression (Sargan and Bhargava, 1983). Note that the distribution of this test statistic does not depend on the estimated regression coefficients and the variance of the errors...
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...Name: Azwirah Yasin Course: Econs 001 Title: The strength of a currency reflects its credibility. Or is it the other way round Date: 11/21/2014 In this world of globalization, every country have the strong desire to move the nation forward and nurture their determination to sustain, develop and increase its power among other countries. It is indeed a known fact that we somehow have the richest country to the poorest country, each striving to attain credibility and integrity with countless ways done by their government, Congress, President and society. In short, money plays a massive role in the global economy. Back when I was a teenager, I used to follow my uncle to his work as he owns a money changer and observe blindly how the currency in my country, Malaysia changes from day to day. I would be asking myself about the reason and the aftermath for the currency change. I was told that having a strong currency is what a country would strive in the end. A strong currency means a strong nation, thus a richer country. I began to question the rightness of the fact. Does the strength of the currency really reflect the credibility of its nation? In general, according to an article on New York Times, it is said that ‘The supply of dollars to the foreign exchange market comes from Americans who want to buy goods, services or assets from abroad. The demand for dollars comes from foreigners who want to buy from the United States.’ As said, when there is a high demand, the dollar...
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...Guidelines for the ECON 411W Term Paper Each student is expected to write a term paper on a topic relevant to the course, but of your choosing. Each of you should chose a topic and submit the idea by October 5th for my approval. In your proposal, you should describe to me what you plan to write about and why. You must (and this is important) provide a brief selection of material/scholarly articles that you plan to rely on for your paper. After your topic has been approved, you are free to begin development of the paper in greater detail. The purpose of this writing assignment is to help you express your thoughts/findings on a subject related to Money and Banking, as well as to gain some greater confidence in the process of scholarly writing. That said, I am NOT looking for original research, although in some cases (but not all cases), basic data analysis may be required for you to demonstrate certain points you wish to make. This project is about writing and expressing your ideas in a clear and careful way. A first draft of this term paper is due next Monday (November 11th). Please post the papers on Blackboard. If you must, you can forward to my email account. The paper must be typed, double spaced, and roughly 12 pages in length, exclusive of tables and references. The first draft will account for 1/3 of your final grade on the paper. I am looking to see that you have developed the idea in a reasonably thorough way. By that I mean the following: 1) You have...
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...Research Paper The Effects of the Great Recession on the Auto Industry Submitted by Luis A. Castro Prepared for Professor John Machnic BUSN 6120, Managerial Economics Summer 1, 2012 Section: OE Webster University July 24, 2012 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORSHIP: I, Luis A. Castro, certify that I am the author. I have cited all sources from which I used data, ideas, or words, either quoted directly or paraphrased. I also certify that this paper was prepared by me specifically for this course. ____________ 07/24/2012 Signature Date Introduction The automotive industry in the United States is a key factor in economic growth because of the significant impacts on all major industries and cultures. Automotive industry is one of the largest industries in the United States. Historically, it has helped 3 to 3.5 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). It directly employs more than 1.7 million people who are involved in the design, manufacture and distribution of parts, components to install, sell and service the components. The industry of auto uses $16 to $18 billion annually for the research and development of the products. By excluding the automotive sector, it is difficult to determine the effects of global recession with in United States (Gereffi, 2005). Recently, if the analysis is done it can be clearly seen that the automotive industry has fallen on hard times. However, the U.S. continues to...
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...The Evolving Economic Power of the Internet The Ever Evolving Economic Power of the Internet It can be agreed upon by many, that the internet is considered one of the most significance advances man has offered to economics. Using the internet, we have connected the entire world into one global economy. Businesses are now capable of conducting transactions with businesses in any location in the world. A firm can reach out to potentially millions of customers in other countries, thousands of miles away. This would all be impossible without the internet. Now why has the development of the internet become an important economic phenomenon? To answer this question, I feel it is best to take a look into the past, before the age of the internet. If I was to try and explain our reality of the internet in today's world, to the average someone of just twenty five years ago, they would have most likely thought this was a story out of a science fiction novel. The possibilities of the internet are limitless. It has become a priceless tool in the markets today and it is something that continues to evolve the way we live, interact, and conduct business with others on a daily basis. The internet has increased productivity and efficiency to levels thought impossible not long ago. The internet affects every person in the world, whether they realize it or not. I am here to explain how this development of the internet is an economic phenomenon and how it has changed...
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...Roughly 4 billion people living in developing countries and emerging economies do not have access to financial services such as credit, savings and insurance. Formal financial intermediaries, such as commercial banks, usually refuse to serve poor households and micro-enterprises because of the high cost of small transactions, lack of traditional collateral, lack of basic requirements for financing and geographic isolation. By doing so, these institutions ignore the enormous potential in talents and entrepreneurship of this stratum of society. Providing access to financial services will stimulate the independence and self-development of poor households and micro-entrepreneurs. This will help not only to improve poor people’s economic condition, but also to provide a way to maintain or improve their quality of life in the face of uncertainty. Moreover, gaining access to financial services is a critical step in connecting the poor to a broader economic life and in building the confidence for them to play a role in the larger community. Some of this slowdown can be blamed on events elsewhere. Europe’s pain, for example, has spread far beyond its immediate neighbors. The European Union remains the biggest foreign market for many emerging economies, buying about 19% of China’s exports and 22% of South Africa’s. By increasing access to financial services for the poor segments of society, the financial sector can play an important role in alleviating poverty in developing countries....
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...Eco 202 12/09/2009 Demand for GM The recession has many companies struggling to stay afloat as the demand for many products has drastically declined. While very few companies have gone unaffected by the recession car manufactures have been hit harder then most. With plants all over the country shutting down just so the company can get by, but even with all the layoffs and closed plants it was just not enough for some. GM was one such company being driven to declare bankruptcy GM was then restructured with help from the government and given the chance to try again. Now GM must find ways to increase demand for their cars and beat out the competition. What is demand and why is it important? Demand is how much a product or service is desired by consumers. (Economics Basics) Demand is important because with out demand companies would not be able to exist because they would have no customers. Because the demand for a company’s product is so important being able to manage that demand becomes an important part of business planning. When managing demand a company ultimately wants to be able to set a price that will attract the highest amount of customers while still being able to make a profit. The company also wants to make sure that demand does not exceed the supply and that it is not less then the supply. Making sure the company can keep up with supply and maintaining the demand for that supply can be a difficult task. Keeping up a demand for its vehicles...
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...Poverty and Public Policy ECON203 Introduction Increases in poverty have occurred since 2000. Rising poverty rates have caused significantly high caseloads to many public assistance programs in the US; causing a growing concern regarding public safety net cost. Poverty is a situation where a family cannot satisfy its needs for food, shelter, clothing and transportation based on their income alone. The government determines the poverty-level income for each family size. The Official Poverty Measure (OPM) determines poverty status by comparing pre-tax cash income by three times a minimum food diet, adjusted by family size and updated annually for inflation. In 1963, the average family spent a third of their income on household goods; today, the ratio of income spent on a food diet is less than 33%. Programs There are several government programs available to assist the poor called safety nets. Safety nets are where county or municipal government, secular nonprofit, faith-based nonprofit organizations and religious congregations come together to provide an assortment of programs of assistance for the poor. The role of local safety nets has received less attention from poverty and safety net researchers, regardless of the important role that they play in many communities. There are disputes in legislation that will cut public assistance program spending and caseloads; these opinions for cutbacks occur frequently. Since the debates and studies of restructuring poverty...
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...1. Do managers often find it difficult to minimize costs? Yes. In this case, it is very hard for manager to minimize costs due to a large number of freight yards and the difficulty of distributing of them over long distances. It is impossible for managers to have each day a reasonable complete knowledge of what happened at each yard. They must examine selected data concerning the performance of the yards during the day, and from these data they must evaluate a yard's performance. In evaluating performance, one piece of information that is used the costs incurred in the yard during the day. 2. Can control charts of the sort described in this case help managers to minimize costs? If so, how? Yes. The control charts can help managers to minimize cost by evaluating the stability of a particular process and the variability within the process. More importantly, the control charts could help managers understanding and monitoring the effects so that managers would know how to improve the process. In addition, incurring controlling costs could have a positive influence financial performance in the long-run. For example, the cost incurred in some quality management initiatives, such as employee training and acquisition of high quality equipment, may have a short run negative impact on financial performance. However, those quality management would provide larger benefits in the long-run. In this case, control charts leads managers to observing if a process is stable and considering...
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...How Best Buy Uses Social Media to Connect with Customers Social media marketing is basically attracting traffic or attention through social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter or Myspace and the list continues. One company that is using social media marketing to gain advantage in the market place is Best Buy. According to the article, Best Buy continues to be a big proponent of social media, via blogs, social networking tools, forums, and video to gain customers awareness of their brand and keep consumers well informed on Best Buy news. They are mostly using their tactic for business to consumers. But with the tons of companies using social media platforms, they are also reaching other businesses. Best Buy uses many different social media outlets to drive brand awareness to consumers. The Chief Marketing Officer of Best Buy created his own blog in order to keep consumers aware of the latest updates with the company. Consumers are more inclined to read and participate in a blog from a chief participating member of a company. Best Buy also created its own forum platform where customers can discuss things such as experience with appliances, reward points and get a chance to interact with moderators in the forum. They basically created a new channel for customer service through social media. Of course, Best Buy had to jump at the opportunity to create a Facebook page. They took it a step further than the average arbitrary page by adding a “Shop+Share” tab that allows consumers...
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...Research Paper Fred A. Graff Baker College Purpose Statement The topic I chose for this research paper is the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, Amtrak. This was due to the fact that I believe this is the direction America needs to take to reduce demand on oil supplies and cut down on emissions. Mass transit railway systems are cheaper and more efficient than airplanes and automobiles. The problem that exists right now with going to mass railway transit is the fact that many of the railroad tracks have been abandoned, removed or turned into trails for hiking or biking. To reach the rural population is going to be the biggest obstacle facing this much needed service in the United States. This is the area I am going to focus on in this paper. Addressing the problem of reaching rural America with mass transit will be tough but not impossible. My solution would be two-fold, and would entail laying new tracks to old places of service and making hubs that people can travel to with ample (and cheap) parking for their vehicles. The second part would be to invest in busses and start small-town bus routes to pick up passengers in areas where running train tracks would be too inefficient. These busses would run only to and from the train hubs connecting them to small towns and rural bus stops. This plan of reinvesting in the railway system would solve several issues: our reliance on foreign oil, our need to reduce emissions and creating new, long term jobs. Trains can...
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...eroding effect to several Canadian industries. Today, Canada is the fifth largest exporter of agricultural products worldwide, and through this deal, Canadian exports will only rise. The TPP will reduce or eliminate several tariffs on agricultural imports for countries involved in the deal. This will provide countries with an incentive to buy more, now that Canadian products will be relatively cheaper. Gains from the elimination of tariffs, and enhanced market access for Canadian agriculture are especially significant in markets such as Japan. Japans tariff removal on 32% of its agricultural imports, allows Canadian agricultural products to be more feasible for the Japanese market. Considering the article in the Asian Economic Papers Journal, it’s evident that due to the combined operation of the income and substitution effects, the demand for Canadian agricultural products will rise across TPP nations (Cheong, 2013, pp. 144-167). This will result in a boost for the agricultural industry in Canada, creating more jobs for the betterment of the Canadian economy. It’s interesting to note, however, why such an increase in demand would result from the elimination or reduction of import tariffs. The USDA’s...
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