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Eda Process Reflection


Submitted By tclark
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Process Reflection for Standard 5 Assignment
As part of EDA-534, Educational Administration Foundation and Framework, we were assigned the task of analyzing standard five of the ISLLC 2008 standards. My group was able to develop a template by using prior knowledge and skills specific to the task, through enduring understanding, completion of essential questions, and CLC participation related to the standard. Group assignments give students experience for real life situations and experiences for later employment. While completing group assignments, there is always going to be challenges such as including everyone and their ideas, poor group leadership, and ignoring or ridiculing others and their contributions.
Our template was a collaborative effort, we were able to participate in discussions, search for data, and trade that data with the other group members because of our strong leadership. One group member created a template that allowed the other group members to insert their own original ideas into the sections. My group creates two different templates and I revise, combine, and add additional enduring understandings and essential questions to finalize the project. Standard five was no different, as a group we have clear goals set for each other. We break down each task into smaller units so that not one person is doing majority of the work and we also set up a timeline that is put in the discussion forum with check points for stages of work that was completed. This gives everyone an opportunity to revise and add additional work to the project and to add their additional steps. This has proven to be very successful in obtaining successful scores in our template.
In the future, the value of group assignments will be beneficial because school administrators will be involved in collaborative group work with students, parents, staff, teachers, as well as within the community. Coordinating the efforts of multiple team members is an important skill because if not done correctly, deadlines will be missed, work is poorly integrated, motivation suffers, and creativity will decline as well. I will enter the administration field knowing that I must be willing to lead as a contributive member and able to make sacrifices to help make things work for the task presented.

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