NO. TOPIC PAGE 1 Customer Profile Questioner 1 2 Customer Profile Questioner Finding 2 a Geographical 2 b Demographic 2 c Psychographics 2 d Behaviour 2 3 3 Benefits to Retailer Establishing A Customer Profile 4 4 Conclusion 4 5 Bibliography 5
1 Customer Profile Questioner 1 Are you male or female? Male Female 2 What age group are you from? 0 – 18 19 – 25 26 - 35 36 or over 3 Do you wear makeup often? Yes No Sometimes 4 What shop do you shop in? Boots Mc Cabes Doc Morris Other____________________ 5 Do you shop here often? Yes No Sometimes 6 Do you think our prices are competitive? Yes No If no please state why______________
7 What is your lifestyle? Worker Student Family Orientated Other______________________ 8 What do you do in your leisure time? Sports Walking Shopping Other______________________ 9 What are your buying decisions based on? Price Quality Service Other_____________________ 10 Where are you from? Limerick Co. Limerick Clare Other_____________________ 11 How would you rate our store and our staff? Excellent Good Bad If bad please state why___________________________
2 Customer Profile Questioner Finding On a recent questionnaire handed out within the store we found out that 90% were women and 10% of men. That