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Education Approach for Autism Students


Submitted By Mohsay
Words 277
Pages 2
Education Approaches for Students with Autism

In the video, Ayah is working on his social skills through interacting with his educator by responding to questions. It has always been recognized that social interaction is an area of difficulty for most children with autism. The educator motivates Ayah by celebrating his responds with high fives making him comfortable around her.
There are several educational strategies that educators use when educating kids with autism. In the video, the educator is using the applied behavior analysis to educate Ayah. In this education approach, the educator encourages certain response from the child. Children functioning at early stages of development, educators put emphasis by encouraging the child to develop his own ideas and to engage in social interaction. All educational approaches focus on the development of a child.
If I was working with Ayah, I would have used picture exchange communication system. I believe the use of pictures in educating children with autism could be effective as it makes it easy for them to understand and to relate with whatever they are being taught. Use of books with pictures of food, animals, toys and many other things might make the child wish to communicate, most kids find pictures fun and interesting to read and it makes it easy for the child to socially engage with the educator or with other children.

Autism, C. o. (2001). Educating Children with Autism. Washington Dc: National Academy Press.
Holland, O. (2005). Teaching at home; A new approach to tutoring children with Autism and Asperger syndrome. London: Jessica Kingsley Publisher.
Wendy Ashcroft, S. A. (n.d.). Sucess strategies for teaching kids with

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