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Eduction Philosophy and Rationale


Submitted By AlfredaLJ
Words 1305
Pages 6
Education Philosophy and Rationale
Philosophies of education are an ongoing process and evolved over time. When developing my philosophy of education, I found that exploring my personal beliefs concerning education is of utmost important. Therefore, I have taken philosophies from other teachers from my past, my personal experiences and my personal beliefs to make up a philosophy of education that I use in teaching today. I found that the philosophy of my fundamental beliefs of educational teaching is progressivism and social reconstructionism.
My philosophies of education are based totally on the students, which in other terms its student-centered philosophy. I believe each student should be treated as individuals and that the focus is for the students’ individual needs. Student-Centered philosophy will allow the students to be involved in their own learning process. As an educator in this process, I can act as a facilitator and help guide the students.
Basing my philosophy of education on progressivism, I agree that students should test ideas by active experimentation or real-world applications. Using learning as a way to critical think and solve problems to make meaning through his or her experience in the physical and cultural context. Pragmatism is considered to be the real-world application of the philosophy of progressivism. John Dewey applied pragmatist philosophy in his progressive approaches. Like Morrison (2008), Dewey states individuals and their environments (however defined, whether cultural, intellectual, social, emotional, physical) shape each other origin of existence.
Social Reconstructionism is also incorporated in my philosophy of education. Students should be able to address social challenges and take individual positions on social issues that he or she believes strongly about. The students should be given the opportunities to use their critical thinking skills on social issues in and out of school. As an educator, I would create lesson plan to spark the student intellectually as well as emotionally. I would also be the facilitator that helps the student focus on how to improve or reconstruct society.
According to Littledyke and Manolas (2010) they states:
‘Reconstructionist’ ideology, however, emphasizes education as a process of social change. Thus, education is planned for what society ought to be rather than what it is (Scrimshaw, 1983). Teachers become activators of social change through fostering a critical, analytical and active approach to learning and the curriculum is founded on principles of egalitarianism and democracy. The ‘process’ model of curriculum planning (Blenkin & Kelly, 1987) applies to this ideology, in which teachers are facilitators of the learning process.
The Nature of Reality (Metaphysics)
My philosophy of education believes that a student can learn through world experiences. Giving the students real-world experiences could give the student the chance to learn how to solve problems and also make discussion on how to make a situation more positive. When I was in school, I did not have these real-world experiments. I was taught how to remember certain information for a test than after the test that information was gone, especially when the information I learned was not interesting to me. I am sure students experience the loss of learned information after a test in schools today. Students who I work with for the GED, if they do not like a subject they just remember the information until the test and tell me he or she hope not to use that information ever again.
The Nature of Knowledge (Epistemology)
The nature of knowledge in my philosophy of education is simple; you get out of education what you put into it. What I mean is that a student can complete an assignment and take it at face value or take the extra steps and do research the assignment and learn more about the subject in the assignment. As an educator, I will and must develop lesson plans that have the students to use other resources when doing an assignment. I have to implement technology into the curriculum because everyone have a computer or have access to one. The Internet has most of the resources need to perform the research and the students do not have to go out of their house. Developing curricula centered on the students interests, experiences, and student abilities are always good ideas, this shows the students that he or she have say so in his or her owe education. This will perhaps help the student become curious and take the initiative to be more interest in his or her individual education and stride to be more knowledgeable on more subjects and to become the best student he or she can be.
According to Littledyke and Manolas (2010), they both agreed upon the following:
Epistemological considerations are also significant; as such considerations are central to pedagogy. The development of the curriculum is influenced by the ideological and epistemological assumptions of teachers, school managers, educationalists, curriculum planners, politicians and people in the wider community, which collectively impact on pedagogy.
The Nature of Value (Axiology)
Values are important in my philosophy of education. I believe that my belief as well of the beliefs of the students should also be considered in the values. When considering ethical conduct, everyone should live by the golden rule do unto others as you have them do unto you. If everyone follows this simple rule, everyone should get along fine. I know there will be some of those student that are going to challenge the rules that are going to have in place at that time that when other consequences will have to be enforce on student who disobeys those rules.
Learning about the different philosophies of education made me come to the conclusion that Perennialism does not fit in my belief of what an educator should be. This philosophy is authoritarian teacher-centered philosophy, which I do not think that this philosophy have no place in schools today. John Dewey also agrees with this statement. Margonis (2009) quoted Dewey from the book, The Later Works of John Dewey, Volume 15, 1925-1953: 1942-1948, Essay, Reviews, and Miscellany as Dewey suggests the United States is a world leader in furthering democratic principles:
There is no place in American democracy for authoritarianism of any kind—economic, educational, political, or ecclesiastical. Devotion to this principle has enabled us to assimilate an amazing heterogeneity of racial, cultural, and religious backgrounds to a degree that has not been known in the world before. The progressive harmonization of differences among races, cultures, creeds, and economic levels is the very life principle of American democracy, and remains the most significant contribution we have made to Western civilization (The Later Work, Volume 15, p. 282).
Agreeing with the statement made by Dewey, Progressivism and Social Reconstructionism is the better philosophies of education of me. Unlike the philosophy of perennialism, which is teacher-centered philosophy, believes it is important that teachers transfer information, knowledge, and skill to the students. Another issue that I have with the philosophy of perennialism is individualism and multiculturalism. The perennialist philosophy does not consider the gender stereotypes, multiculturalism, and other issues and these matters are rare in or even left out of the curriculum. I believe every student should be recognized and also taught about each other culture. This can make the students relate easier to other students who are different from themselves. Morrison (2008) states, “Knowledge is simultaneously socially, culturally, temporally and locally contextualized, situated, learned and shaped.”
I also believe that every student has individual needs and as an educator, I will have to find a way to meet the needs of each of the students.
Mission Statement as an Educator
I am an Educator. I believe my calling in life was to become a teacher, counselor, advisor, case worker, or social worker. I enjoy helping people reach their potential that I knew that was reachable but he or she though was unreachable.

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