Premium Essay

Effects on Slavery


Submitted By caboodles86
Words 1239
Pages 5
Slavery: A Free but Forced Civilization from Origin

Slavery is predated to the earliest known and existing cultures. Regardless of the culture, time, period or race, slavery is a discriminating concept in which people are held against their own will. Before new age society found a more humorous and sexual definition for the concept, slavery was and still is, in some parts of the world, humiliating. In particular, there is one which has been historically long lasting; the Transatlantic African slave trade. This long and grueling migration paved the way for new races and culture. African Americans thrive all over the world but unfortunately descendants from this race did not come to the Americas on their own free will.
A world altering voyage and conquest took shape when Christopher Columbus traveled and discovered the Americas in 1492 (1). Historically true, the America’s took shape but not without risk, sacrifice, or discrimination of a divine civilization. Columbus was on venture seeking route to Asia, in turn; found an untouched land devoured by Native Americans (2). Being distracted new ideas and opportunities, he reset is path. The mark of the Columbian Exchange happened; bringing the eventual commerce of food, disease, culture, power and new races (3). All of the changes were not as promising or good. The transatlantic slave trade brought new life but also brought darker times.
Columbus didn’t develop this concept, he actually adapted to it. Although, slavery in the America’s was a forced and free transition, the continent of Africa provided the part of the migrating idea: African slavery and slave trading existed long before European disclosure (4). Since the concept was adapted from one of the countries who defined slavery long before the 19th century, slaves adhered to slavers or masters; this was also contributed from Africa. Men, women and children

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