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Electronic Health Record Hsm330


Submitted By lalak
Words 833
Pages 4
Electronic Health Record
Functionality Standards or Certification

HSM 330
DeVry University
October 1, 2015

In describing how I would incorporate my findings into the HER selection and decision making process, I would analysis the criteria that must be met to qualify for functionality or certification. The basic functionality supports the belief that if a provider were armed with information about the functional capabilities of software, they would be better equipped to compare systems, resulting in making decisions about acquiring systems appropriate for their practice needs. The CCHIT, which is the Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology, expects that the process of achieving goals of quality, safety, and cost effectiveness will accelerate initiatives toward the electronic health record.
Electronic Health Record Functionality standards are or Certification is a ranking system for electronic health records systems. To qualify for HER certification, vendors had to meet more than 300 criteria devised by the Commission’s physicians, medical societies, vendors, and payer. Most of the requirements concerned HER functionality, security, and reliability. CCHIT, Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology, will ass new requirements for certification each year. Healthcare level H7, which is the application protocol for Electronic Data Exchange in healthcare environments, it is considered a gold standard benefit in the healthcare industry by helping answer question regarding EHR.
EHR implementation should immediately determine how hardware and software are supported and by whom, regardless of which EHR a facility uses. Being a facilitator, the need for you to help integrate their EHRs into their workflow is important, mapping workflows will guide you in workflow direction for entry of documentation into the EHR

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