Premium Essay

Emma Zancoffi Essay

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Words 423
Pages 2
Emma does not love Zancoffi she just wants to fill her very inside emptiness due to her lack of maternal love during her childhood.Since, her mother always rejects her because of her dark color of skin.So, she does not want to feel alone. The audience can realize of it when she claims , "I wonder if it's the challenge, and unhealthy obsession, or loneliness that draws me, inexorably it seems, toward this man." Emma wants to find a sense to her life by having some one that loves her or pretends it to." I imagine that his nebulous life, his voice of distant tides and lands, will help me to interpret my existence." Emma just has a human friend besides Thunder and she was Gilliane. But, she never make time to meet her because at some point she does not want to. Even though I get the impression Gialliane is a good friend who misses to see Emma more frequently, she was not important for Emma at all. Emma might feel attach to her because she has a similar life patterns as her mother did …show more content…
Readers can infer this by analyzing Emma's claim, " who complains about not seeing me anymore, that I have become imprisioned in a spiral formed by these two lunatics." So, wen perceive the feelings of dependency of Zancoffi and Gialliance's friendship.However, none of them speak Emma's language.This happens because they do not comprehend Emma's thesis perspective about the bourgeois. That's something affect emotionally Emma. Since, she does not want to lose Gialliance's friendship and Zancoffi affair either. Zankoffi is like a representation of a black man that even though utilizes her to have sex, she feels loved. On the other hand, Gialliance's reminds her a mother whose life's was a mess as

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