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Emmy And The Incredible Shrinking Rat Book Report

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Emmy and the Incredible Shrinking Rat by Lynne Jonell

I thought this book was amazing, It definitely was one of the best books I've ever read it had some crazy unreal moments like a talking rat but other moments where still very relatable. The book started off telling you about Emmy, she was as perfect as could be. She ate all her vegetables even the broccoli, did all her homework and she never talked back. Emmy and her parents were living a poorish life living above a bookstore that they owned until they find out that a unknown great uncle passed away and inherit all his riches. Then they move into her great uncle's huge mansion so then Emmy has change schools. Even though Emmy is a straight A student no one notices he, Not even the teacher, Emmy has said “It's like I don't even exist”. Emmys parents are now interested in traveling the world, which leaves Emmy alone with a nanny they hired miss Barmy for weeks at a time. …show more content…
Then, she finds out the rat can talk and one day after school the rat talks her into letting him go so Emmy goes outside and lets the rat be run free and the rat tells her to start being bad and to “get a life”. So Emmy goes back to living the same life she was before to then, to find out her parents are being drugged by their nanny so then the nanny can take all the money for herself. So Emmy knew she had to stop the evil nanny but Emmy didn't know how. After a while Emmy found a creepy man that was talking about rats and Emmy found out that the classroom pet she let run free had super powers. So with the help of the rat and a couple of his friends they stop the evil nanny and everything is put back into

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