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Empowering the Ata Community


Submitted By Jkanindot
Words 633
Pages 3
Empowering the Kanawan Ayta Community
To commemorate the Father of Modern Public Health in the Philippines the UP Manila College of Public Health held its annual Dr. Hilario G. Lara Memorial Lecture on Tuesday, June 29, 2010 at Room 407, College of Public Health, Lara Hall.
This year’s lecture, “A Framework for the Development of the Ayta Community in Morong, Bataan”, was presented by Dr. Lourdes J. Cruz, a national scientist and former Professor of the UP Diliman Marine Science Institute and a recipient of the 2010 L’Oriel-UNESCO Award for Women in Science.
Dr. Cruz is also president of the Bataan Center for Innovative Science and Technology, Inc. (BCISTI) since 1999. Through the years, she has led her team in alleviating poverty in areas of Bataan populated by indigenous Aytas, specifically Kanawan. BCISTI works as a technology incubator to Science and Technology for economic development. It has taken on the task of developing mechanisms to mobilize Science and Technology resources for direct mitigation of poverty.
As basis of development, Dr. Cruz presented the concept of 4-Helix Model as an alternative approach for Science and Technology-based economic development. Developing countries use the Triple Helix Model that identifies three institutions, the Academe, Industry, and Government, as major constituents in socio-economic development. However, she points out that the situation in the Philippines vary in that a greater part of the population in rural areas do not belong to any of the three institutions, thus, the proposed 4-Helix Model, which integrates the Community as also a major component for growth.
This model is applied in the Rural Livelihood Incubator (Rural Linc) program of BCISTI and Center for Biomolecular Science Foundation (CBMSF). Rural Linc strives to provide sustainable livelihood by: teaching the Ayta community members some basic skills

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