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English 2 Arabic


Submitted By nem0o0o24
Words 2238
Pages 9

كتف abutment
تسارع acceleration
شدة طيف التسارع acceleration spectrum intensity
تحكم تسارعي acceleration-controlled
سجل التسارع accelerogram
جهاز قياس التسارع accelerograph
مقياس التسارع accelerometer
ضغط ترابي فعال active earth pressure
فالق نشيط active fault
مشغل actuator
توابع الهزة الأرضية aftershocks
تضخيم amplification
يضخم amplify
سعة amplitude
سعة الحركة amplitude of motion
دالة تحليلية analytical function
كتلة الربط anchor block
حائط مربطي anchored bulkhead
ستارة صماء مربوطة anchored bulkhead
زاوية السقوط angle of incident
زاوية الانعكاس angle of reflection
زاوية الانكسار angle of refraction
مصدر مساحي areal source
مصفوفة array
تشوه غير زلزالي aseismic deformation
نسبة باعية aspect ratio

غلاف جوي atmosphere

وهن attenuation
ثقب augering
تباين ذاتي autocovariance
طيف ذاتي autospectra
جهد محوري axial stress
حقيقة axiom


عمود فقري backbone
ردم خلفي backfill
ضجيج خلفي background noise
عرض النطاق bandwidth
عائق barrier
اهتزاز القاعدة base shaking
قاع basin
خليج bay
حامل، سعة bearing
صخر تحتي أو صخر أساس bed rock
انحناء bend
انفصام تباعدي bilateral rupture
مناطق محجوبة blind zone
موجة باطنية body wave
ثاقب boring
حد ، طرف boundary
سطح الارتباط bounding surface
جدار مدعم braced wall
فترة محصورة bracketed duration
هش brittle
مبنى building
كود البناء building code
معامل بلك Bulk’s modulus


جدار كابولي cantilever wall
شد شعري capillary tension
تردد مركزي central frequency
ميل مركزي central tendency
طارد مركزي centrifuge
مركز متوسط centriod
زلزال مميز characteristic earthquake
شدة مميزة characteristic intensity
تردد دائري circular frequency
طين clay
تقفيلة coda
قدر التقفيلة coda magnitude
متماسك coherent
سطح الانهيار collapse surface
استهلاك تجمعي collectively exhaustive
حدث مكمل complementary event
حل مكمل complementary solution
مركب complex
رمز مركب complex notation
جساءة مركبة complex stiffness
نظام مطاوع compliant system
مركبة component
حدث مركب compound event
موجة ضاغطة compressional wave
احتمالية مشروطة conditional probability
تجربة الاختراق المخروطي cone penetration test
ضغط الحصر confining pressure
اندماج consolidation
نمذجة أسية constitutive modeling
قارة continent
قاري continental
قشرة قارية continental crust
نظام متصل continuous system
تقلصي contractive
حمل حراري convection
يقارب converge
تقارب convergence
لب core
تردد ركني corner frequency
فترة ركنية corner period
فوهة crater
تغير تدريجي creep
قمة crest
جدار دعم خشبي crip wall
متضائل بشكل حرج critically damped
تغير تقاطعي cross covariance
حفر متقاطع cross hole
قشرة crust
تأجج culminating
السرعة المطلقة التراكمية cumulative absolute velocity
دالة التوزيع التراكمي cumulative distribution function
قطع cutoff
تردد القطع cutoff frequency
دوري cyclic
تحميل دوري cyclic loading
حركية دورية cyclic mobility


سد dam
ضرر damage
استجابة الضرر damage response
متضائل damped
اهتزاز حر متضائل damped free vibration
نظام متضائل damped system
تضاؤل damping
مصفوفة التضاؤل damping matrix
نسبة التضاؤل damping ratio
نبيطة dashpot
تشوه، انحناء deformation
كثيف dense
كثافة density
عمق depth
الحركة الأرضية التصميمية design ground motion
فرق الجهد الرئيسي deviator stress
هبوط تفاوتي differential settlement
ترقيم digitization
تمدد dilation
تمددي dilative
مقياس التمدد dilometer
ميل dip
موجة مباشرة direct wave
اتجاهية directivity
منفصل discrete
نظام منفصل discrete system
منحنى التشتت dispersion curve
تشتتي dispersive
إزاحة displacement
تحكم إزاحي displacement-controlled
طاقة مشتتة dissipated energy
تبديد، تشتيت dissipation
مسافة distance
موجة تشوهية distorsional wave
قلقلة disturbance
مقلقل disturbed
وسط مقلقل disturbed medium
مَصرف ditch
يسحب، يجر drag
تصريف drainage
قناة تصريف drainage channel
مُصرف drained
جرف drift
مكتنف حفري drilled inclusion
جهد محرك driving stress
أسطوانة drum
مطوطية ductility
قدر الفترة duration magnitude
فترة duration, period
ديناميكي dynamic
اتزان ديناميكي dynamic equilibrium


زلزال earthquake
ضرر زلزالي earthquake damage
هندسة الزلازل earthquake engineering
شدة زلزالية earthquake intensity
قدر الزلزال earthquake magnitude
التسارع الفعال effective acceleration
دليل الربط الفعال effective anchor index
تسارع التصميم الفعال effective design acceleration
تسارع القمة الفعال effective peak acceleration
سرعة القمة الفعالة effective peak velocity
مرن elastic
بيضاوي ellipse
ردمية embankment
دليل مشاركة الدفن embedment participation index
طاقة energy
تبدد الطاقة energy dissipation
مركز سطحي epicenter
مسافة المركز السطحي epicentral distance
معادلة الحركة equation of motion
قطر استوائي equatorial diameter
مكافئ equivalent
موجة متساوية الحجم eqquivoluminal wave
ثوران eruption
دالة زوجية even function
حدث event
طيف القدرة التطوري evolutionary power spectrum
تجاوز exceedence
تجربة experiment
صيغة أسية exponential form
رمز أسي exponential notation
تأثير المصدر الممتد extended source effect
مقياس التمدد، والتقلص،أو الالتواء extensometer
شامل extensive
حمل خارجي external load

خدمة مساندة facility
سطح الانهيار failure surface
سقوط fall
تحول فورييه السريع fast Fourier transform
فالق fault
حساس feeler
سياج fence
انهيار سيلاني flow failure
تميع سيلاني flow liquefaction
قاعدة الانسياب flow rule
انزلاق سيلاني flow slide
تركيب سيلاني flow structure
عمق بؤري focal depth
بؤرة focus
قوة force
اهتزاز مفروض forced vibration
سوابق الهزة الأرضية foreshock
أساس، قاعدة foundation
طيف سعة فورييه Fourier amplitude spectrum
معاملات فورييه Fourier coefficients
طيف طور فورييه Fourier phase spectrum
سلسلة فورييه Fourier series
طيف فورييه Fourier spectrum
حقل حر free field
اهتزاز حر free vibration
تردد frequency
محتوى التردد frequency content
معادلة التردد frequency equation
طازج fresh
كم الاحتكاك friction sleeve
صيغة رئيسية fundamental mode


وهن شكلي geometric attenuation
تضاؤل شكلي geometric damping
سماعة أرضية geophone
تسليح اصطناعي أرضي geosynthetic
نسيج أرضي geotextile
علم الرسم الطبقي geotomography
ممال gradient
حصى ، زلط gravel
مصرف زلطي gravel drain
جدار جاذبية gravity wall
شبكة معلقة gridlock
أرض ground
تضاؤل أرضي ground damping

حركة أرضية ground motion

طيف الحركة الأرضية ground motion spectrum
تذبذب أرضي ground oscillation
هز أرضي ground shaking
سطح الأرض ground surface
ضغط الماء الأرضي groundwater pressure
حقن grouting


فراغ نصفي half-space
تصلب hardening
مقدمة المنحدر الشديد head scarp
موجة أمامية head wave
اختلاف الخواص heterogeneity
نشاط زلزالي تاريخي historical seismicity
قانون هوك Hook’s law
منطقة رابية hummocky terrain
ممال هيدروليكي hydraulic gradient
ضغط الماء الديناميكي hydrodynamic pressure
ضغط الماء الساكن hydrostatic pressure
عنصر مفرط hyperelement
مركز سفلي أو تحتي hypocenter
مسافة بؤرية hypocenter distance
ملف تخلفي hysteresis loop
تضاؤل تخلفي hysteretic damping
تخلفي hysterically
طاقة تخلفية hystertic energy


جزء تخيلي imaginary part
نسبة المعاوقة impedance ratio
فالق غير نشيط inactive fault
موجة ساقطة incident wave
مميلة inclinometer
تفكك incoherence
ازديادي incremental
قصور ذاتي inertia
قوة القصور الذاتي inertial force
تميع مبدئي initial liquefaction
لب داخلي inner core
عدم الاستقرارية instability
استجابة الآلة instrument response
سجل آلي instrumental record
شدة intensity
تداخل interaction
سطح بيني interface
جهد رئيسي وسطي intermediate principal stress
استكمال داخلي interpolation
تقاطع intersection
زلزال داخلي intraplate earthquake
داخل الصفيحة intraslab
انتكاس inversion
متساوي الرجفات isoseisms


خشن jagged
حقن دفقي jet grouting


حركي kinematic
التواء kink


راسب بحيري lake deposit
انزلاق أرضي landslide
انتشار جانبي lateral spreading
طبقة layer
تركيب طبقي layered structure
خط الخدمة lifeline
تميع محدود limited liquefaction
مرن خطي linear elastic
تميع liquefaction
خلية حمل load cell
تردد الحمل أو الجهد load or stress reversal
قدر محلي local magnitude
نشاط زلزالي محلي local seismicity
موجة طولية longitudinal wave
فترة طويلة long-period
مفكك loose, incoherent
معامل الفقدان loss factor
موجة لاف Love wave


قدر magnitude
جهد رئيسي أساسي major principal stress
جب، وشاح mantle
وشاح mantle
مصفوفة الكتلة mass matrix
عديم الكتلة massless
لبشة mat
مصفوفة matrix
متوسط mean
آلية mechanism
غشاء membrane
صفيحة صغيرة microplate
رجيفة microseism
تفجير المنجم mine burst
جهد رئيسي ثانوي minor principal stress
تقليل mitigation
شكل الصيغة mode shape
قاطع موهو mohorovicic discontinuity
دائرة مور mohr circle
قدر العزم moment magnitude
كمية التحرك momentum
نظام ذو درجة حرية متعددة multiple degree of freedom system
قاعدة الضرب multiplication rule
غير متقاطع mutually exclusive


مخاطر طبيعية natural hazards
شبكة network
عقدة nodal
نقطة عقدية nodal point
غير تشتتي nondispersive
مرن غير خطي nonlinear elastic
غير مرن غير خطي nonlinear inelastic
حركة غير دورية nonperiodic motion
حل غير بسيط nontrivial solution
توزيع طبيعي normal distribution
معاير normalized
مجموعة فارغة null set
تكامل عددي numerical integration


حدوث occurrence
محيط ocean
قشرة محيطية oceanic crust
دالة فردية odd function
أحادية البعد one-dimensional
تسجيل بصري optical recording
محتوى الماء الأمثل optimum water content
اتجاه orientation
متعامد orthogonal
راسم الذبذبات oscilloscope
خارج الطور out of phase
يبرز outcrop
لب خارجي outer core
فوق متضائل overdamped
صفيحة راكبة overriding plate


دراسة السجلات الزلزالية القديمة paleoseismology
معامل parameter
جسيم particle
حقنة دقائقية particulate grout
حل خاص particulate solution
ضغط ترابي مقاوم passive earth pressure
ضغط مقاوم passive thrust
ذروة، قمة peak
تسارع القمة peak acceleration
الإزاحة القمة peak displacement
السرعة القمة peak velocity
مقياس تسارع كهروضغطي peiezoelectric accelerometer
اختراق penetration
مقياس الاختراق penetrometer
فترة period
تحميل دوري periodic loading
حركة دورية periodic motion
حقن اختراقي permeation grouting
سرعة طورية phase velocity
سطح جوفي phereatic surface
تصوير مساحي ضوئي photogrammetric
ضغط المخروط piezo cone
كهروضغطي piezoelectric
لدن plastic
دليل اللدونة plasticity index
صفيحة platelet
نتوء pluge
انهيار الغمر plunging failure
مصدر نقطي point source
نسبة بواسون Poisson’s ratio
قطر قطبي polar diameter
قطبية polarity
قطب pole
متعدد الحدود Polynomial
بركة pond
قرع متكرر pounding
دالة كثافة القدرة الطيفية power spectral density function
طيف القدرة power spectrum
فترة رئيسية predominant period
موجة أساسية primary wave
مستويات الجهد الرئيسي principal stress planes
احتمالية probability
دالة الكثافة الاحتمالية probability density function
مجس probe
قطاع profile
إسقاط projection
بارز prominent
انتشار propagation
تسارع شبه طيفي pseudospectral acceleration
سرعة شبه طيفية pseudospectral velocity
السرعة الكاذبة pseudovelocity

نبضة pulse

موجة pp-wave


معامل النوعية quality factor
رصيف الميناء quay


إشعاع radiation
متغير عشوائي random variable
شعاع ray
مسار الشعاع ray path
تضاؤل رالي Rayleigh damping
موجة رالي Rayleigh wave
تأثير مسار الإشعاع ray-path effect
جزء حقيقي real part
مستقبل receiver
يستصلح reclaimed
تكرار recursion
يعكس reflect
موجة منعكسة reflected wave
انعكاس reflection
ينكسر refract
انكسار refraction
مسلح reinforced
مستودع reservoir
مقاومة متبقية residual strength
رنين resonance
تجربة العمود الرنان resonant column test
طيف الاستجابة response spectrum
قوة الإرجاع restoring force
ساند retaining
منشأ ساند retaining structure
احتجاز retention
فترة العودة return period
علم الانسياب rheological
حيد ridge
دفع حيدي ridge push
نظام صلب rigid system
جدار صلب rigid wall
صخر rock
انقلاب rocking
دمك rodding

انفصام، وشق، وصدع rupture


بركة مائية منخفضة sag pond
نقطة العينة sample point
فراغ العينة sample space
التعيين sampling
رمل sand
فوار رملي sand boil
مشبع saturated
تشبع saturation
جرف، منحدر شديد scarp
تبعثر scattering
موجة بحرية sea wave
موجة ثانوية secondary wave
تسرب seep
سيش seiche
تشوه زلزالي seismic deformation
مخاطر زلزالية seismic hazards
عزم زلزالي seismic moment
استجابة زلزالية seismic response
مصدر زلزالي seismic source
موجة زلزالية seismic wave
سجل زلزالي seismogram
سيزموجراف seismograph
علم الزلازل seismology
مقياس الزلزلة seismo-meter
سيزموسكوب seismoscope

حساسية sensitivity

مجموعة set
طاولة اهتزاز shaking table
طفل صفحي shale
ضحل shallow
معامل الشكل shape factor
معامل القص shear modulus
إجهاد قص shear strain
موجة قص shear wave
جساءة القص shearing stiffness
خازوق لوحي sheet pile
توافقي بسيط simple harmonic
قص بسيط simple shear
نظام ذو حرية من الدرجة الأولى single degree of freedom
حدث مفرد single event
جيبي sinusoidal
موقع site
معامل الموقع site operator
سحب شريحي slab pull
نحالة slenderness
نسبة النحالة slenderness ratio
كتلة منزلقة sliding block
ميل slope
هبوط slumping, settlement, depression
سلس smooth
تربة soil
صلب solid
طيف المصدر source spectrum
منطقة المصدر source zone
سعة التضاؤل النوعية specific damping factor
الطاقة النوعية specific energy
معاوقة نوعية specific impedance
معاملات طيفية spectral parameter
سرعة طيفية spectral velocity
تميع ذاتي spontaneous liquefaction
انزلاق الصفيحة spreading plate
انتشار الحيد spreading ridge
انتشار الصدع spreading rift
ينبوع spring
انحراف معياري standard deviation
تجربة الاختراق القياسي standard penetration test
موجة مستقرة standing wave
دليل الحالة state index
ظرف ساكن static condition
مستقل إحصائيا statically independent
عملية عشوائية انتقالية stationary random process
حالة مستقرة steady state
استجابة الحالة المستقرة steady state-response
تحميل خطوة step loading
جاسئ stiff
جساءة stiffness
مصفوفة الجساءة stiffness matrix
استجابة عشوائية stochastic response
إجهاد strain
طاقة الإجهاد strain energy
تلين إجهادي strain-softening
جدول stream
مقاومة strength
جهد stress
نزول الجهد stress drop
معامل الجهد stress operator
نقطة الجهد stress point
سلوك الجهد-الإجهاد stress-strain behavior
مضرب strike
انزلاق مضربي strike-slip
مخاطر إنشائية structural hazards
قلم تسجيل stylus
ينغرز subduct
انغراز subduction
منطقة الانغراز subduction zone
كثافة مغمورة submerged density
خفس subsidence
متوالٍ، متعاقب successive
تراكب superposition
مسقط سطحي surface projection
موجة سطحية surface wave
طبقة سطحية surficial layer
قابلية susceptibility
على تسارع متبقﱟ sustained maximum acceleration
أعلى سرعة متبقية sustained maximum velocity
موجة ss-wave
تزامن synchronizing
مطاوعة النظام system compliance


تكتوني، حركي tectonic
شقوق الشد tension crack
نظام المجس الطيني Terrapobe
ميكانيكا حرارية thermodynamic
سمك thickness
ثلاثي البعد three-dimensional
حبل ربط tieback
جدار شداد tieback wall
قضيب ربط tierod
محدار tiltometer
زمن time
تاريخ زمني time history
مقدم toe
طوبوغرافيا topography
عزم لي torque
التواء torsion
التوائي torsional
موجة التوائية torsional wave
أثر trace
جهاز تحويل الطاقة tranceducer
دالة تحويل transfer function
موجة مستعرضة transfer wave
فالق مستعرض transform fault
استجابة انتقالية transient response
موجة مرسلة transmitted wave
خندق trench
ثلاثي المحاور triaxial
تسارع الإثارة triggering acceleration
ظرف مؤدٍّ أو مثير triggering condition
رمز مثلثي trigonometric notation
رسم ثلاثي tripartite plot
غور trough
تسونامي tsunami
معدل الرنين tuning ratio
نسبة التشويش tuning ratio


فوق صوتي ultrasonic
غير متضائل undamped
اهتزاز حر غير متضائل undamped free vibration
تردد طبيعي غيرمتضائل undamped natural frequency
محطة نفق أرضي underground subway station
يبطن underlay
وسط غير مقلقل undisturbed medium
غير مصرف undrained
توزيع منتظم uniform distribution
اتحاد union
تفريغ unloading
غير ممثلة unrepresentative
غير قابل unsusceptible
منبع upstream


وادٍ valley
تباين variance
سرعة velocity
شدة طيف السرعة velocity spectrum intensity
تحكم سرعاتي velocity-controlled
رأسي vertical
اهتزاز vibration
تعويم اهتزازي vibro flotation
جناح مهتز vibro-wing
لزج مرن viscoplastic
تضاؤل اللزوجة viscous damping
نسبة الفراغ void ratio
مصدر حجمي volumetric source
إجهاد حجمي volumetric strain


ماء بين الطبقات water interlayers
واجهة مائية، جبهة موجية waterfront

عدد موجي wave number
صدر قادمة wavefront
تأثير مرور الموجة wave-passage effect
قطع wedge
رطب wet
انتشار واسع widespread


تسارع الخضوع yield acceleration
معامل الخضوع yield coefficient
سطح الخضوع yield surface
معامل ينج Young’s modulus


ثانيا : إنجليزي-عربي

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...Tikrit University Journal for Humanities Vol. ( 14 ) No. ( 3 ) April ( 2007 ) Honorific Expressions in Arabic and English with Reference to other Languages Hashim Sa'doon Saleem Al-Ni'aymi University of Tikreet College of Education Dept. of English Abstract Honorifics have currently occupied an important position within the domain of socio-pragmatic studies of language and within the theories of communication. The basic aim of this paper is concerned with identifying the points of similarity and difference between honorifics in Modern Standard Arabic and English with regard to structure. It also aims at giving a brief account of the term honorifics and how are honorific expressions realized in both languages. It is hypothesized that the structure of honorifics in Modern Standard Arabic is different from that in English. 1. The Concept of Honorifics: Honorifics are derived from outputs of politeness strategies where these directly or indirectly convey a status deferential between speaker and addressee or referent, where they indirectly convey such a status deferential, as in French Tu / Vous pronouns do via the general strategy of pluralizing in order to impersonalize (Brown and Levinson 1978: 183). 1 Honorific Expressions in Arabic and English with Reference to other Languages Hashim Sa'doon Saleem Al-Ni'aymi Honorifics have been defined as “politeness formulas in a particular language which may be specific affixes, words, or sentence structure” (Richard et al., 1985:...

Words: 3224 - Pages: 13

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Gender and Number Agreement in the Oral Production of L1 Arabic Among Bilingual

...2014 Outline I. Topic Gender and Number Agreement in the Oral Production of L1 Arabic Among Bilingual Arab-Americans. II. Thesis Statement This study investigates Arabic heritage speakers’ knowledge of gender and number agreement and concord morphology in two syntactic contexts; subject-verb agreement and noun-adjective agreement. Additionally, how does their dominant language (English) may affect the correct usage of gender and number agreement in the two syntactic contexts. III. Hypothesis There is a negative influence of the dominant language (English) on the mastering gender and number agreement in Arabic among bilingual Arab-Americans. IV. Methodology A. Participants: Ten participants (Bilingual Arab-Americans). B. Data Collection Two tasks: 1. Oral-production task: includes the description of 10 pictures via PowerPoint. The purpose of this task is to produce examples of subject-verb agreement in Arabic as the following: a. human-singular masculine. b. human- singular feminine. c. human- plural masculine. d. human- plural feminine. 2. The second task is: Demonstrate and compare these pictures; each picture has contrastive adjectives, For example, happy/sad. Five pairs-pictures. The purpose of this task is to elicit examples of noun-adjective agreement in Arabic as the following: a. human-singular masculine. b. human- singular feminine. c....

Words: 655 - Pages: 3

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...Development Programs (SMDP) Course and Workshop Calendar AY 2012-13 December 2012 Sr no 1 2 3 Course name Strategic Management & Planning Strategic Management & Planning Six Thinking Hats for Effective Meetings and Decision Making Course name Soft Skills Customer Service Skills Business Correspondence Microsoft Office & Outlook 2010 Area MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT Course Schedule 1 December, 2 December 15 December, 16 December 26 December, 27 December Timings 9:30 AM - 3:00 PM 9:30 AM - 3:00 PM 9:30 AM - 3:00 PM Language Arabic English English JANUARY 2013 Area Course Schedule Timings Language English English / Arabic English / Arabic Sr no 1 2 3 4 Sr no 1 2 3 FEBRUARY 2013 Course name Designing Performance Appraisal Excel for Data Analysis Creating Web Presence for your organization using Google tools Course name Balanced Score Card for Performance Excellence Finance for Executives Change Management Social Media Marketing Course name Internet Marketing Customer Service Skills Job Evaluation Workshop Hay Method Course name Internet Marketing Customer Service Skills Job Evaluation Workshop Hay Method Competency Framework Area Human Resource Information Technology Information Technology Course Schedule 3 February 10 February, 11 February 24 February, 25 February Timings 9:30 AM - 3:00 PM 9:30 AM - 3:00 PM 9:30 AM - 3:00 PM English Language English English English MARCH 2013 Area MANAGEMENT FINANCE Human Resource Information Technology Area MARKETING MARKETING...

Words: 480 - Pages: 2

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Lexical Cohesion in the Translated Novels of Naguib

...with this device in the translated version. The paper compares lexical cohesive devices in this novel and in its English version. It is also an attempt to test two hypotheses that account for the degree of explicitness in the translated text as compared to the source text: the Explicitation Hypothesis and the Stylistic Preference Hypothesis. Both Aziz (1998) and Obeidat (1998) adopt the Stylistic Preference Hypothesis which attributes explicitness or implicitness to Stylistic preference of the target language. The Explicitation Hypothesis is shown to offer a more appropriate explanation for the way lexical cohesion is rendered in the target language. 0. Introduction Cohesion is defined “as the set of possibilities that exist in the language for making text hang together: the potential that the speaker or writer has at his disposal.” (Halliday and Hasan 1976:18). Halliday and Hasan (1976) identify several devices that are used as cohesive devices the function of which is to tie a text together. The cohesive devices fall into five types: reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction and lexical cohesion. (1) This paper focuses on one cohesive device (i.e. lexical cohesion) in the English...

Words: 6759 - Pages: 28

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The Cultural Agenda of Translation & Arabization: Aspects of the

...ISSN: 2348 – 2052 , Vol. 1, Issue 2, Feb 2014   Available at:‐     The Cultural Agenda of Translation & Arabization: Aspects of the Problems by Dr. Ali Albashir Mohammed Al-haj Department of English Faculty of Arts& humanities Jazan University Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Abstract Translation is activity – a cultural activity at that-intended to widen the area of human understanding and communication with reference to general and specific information. The basic requirement relevant to good translation is that the translator must have a thorough knowledge of the cultures of both the source language and the target language. The translator needs not sit biting nails and rush to the dictionary every ten minutes. When it has been accepted that translation is not only important but also necessary to our Arab World, there is no point in pondering over the problems of translations. Cultural proximity is a big advantage for translators, it is rewarding for them to look for this when they choose their work. Arabization is part and parcel of the whole journey of the Arab societies to its roots. The starting-off point for any translator is their preferred future; in order to arrive at the destination then it is clearly important to know what the destination is. But it is perhaps better to think  1   Express, an International Journal of Multi Disciplinary Research   ISSN: 2348 – 2052 , Vol. 1, Issue 2, Feb 2014   Available at: www...

Words: 3442 - Pages: 14

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...THINKING ARABIC TRANSLATION _______________________________ A Course in Translation Method: Arabic to English Supplement James Dickins Contents: Supplement Introduction 1 1 Preliminaries to translation as a process 3 1.3.1 3 Annotation: gist, exegesis and rephrasing Practical 1.3 Gist translation: ‫ﳑﺎ ﻫﻮ ﺟﺪﻳﺮ ﺑﺎﻟﺬﻛﺮ‬ 8 2 Preliminaries to translation as a product 9 2.1.1 2.1.5 Interlinear translation From interlinear to free translation Translation by omission Translation by addition 9 10 11 11 Practical 2.3 Literal vs. free translation: ‫ﻣﻌﻠﻘﺔ ﻟﺒﻴﺪ‬ 11 3 Cultural transposition 14 3.1 3.3 14 14 Basic principles Calque Practical 3.2 (extension) Cultural transposition: ‫وﻟﻴﺲ ﻫﻨﺎك إﺧﺼﺎﺋﻲ‬ Practical 3.3 Cultural transposition: ‫وﻗﺎدﺗﻪ ﺧﻄﻮاﺗﻪ‬ 15 15 4 Compensation 17 4.1 4.2 17 17 Basic principles Categories of compensation Practical 4.1 Compensation: ‫ﻗﺪ ﳝﺮ وﻗﺖ ﻃﻮﻳﻞ‬ 18 ii Contents: Supplement 5 Denotative meaning and translation issues 19 5.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.2 5.2.2 19 20 20 22 23 23 Denotative meaning Hyperonymy-hyponymy Particularizing translation and generalizing translation Partially overlapping translation Semantic repetition in Arabic List restructuring Practical 5.3 Semantic repetition, parallelism and list restructuring: ‫إن اﻟﺮﺳﻮل اﻟﻜﺮﱘ‬ 26 6 Connotative meaning and translation issues ...

Words: 30452 - Pages: 122

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Annotated Bibliography

...12010/NK-1 2012 1. Article 1 Abed, A., Q. (2011). Pragmatic Transfer in Iraqi EFL Learners' Refusals, International Journal of English Linguistics, 1(2), 166-185. doi:10.5539/ijel.v1n2p166 The study deals with pragmatic transfer of Iraqi EFL learners' refusal strategies as reflected by their responses to a modified version of 12- items written discourse completion task; and compare with two groups ,namely Iraqi native speakers of Arabic and American native speakers of English. The data were collected from task consisted of three requests, three offers, three suggestions, and three invitations. Each one of the situations included one refusal to a person of higher status, one to a person of equal status, and one to a person of lower status. Data analyzed according to frequency types of refusal strategies and interlocutor's social status. I prefer this article because it is very useful for my topic. The author found that Iraqi EFL learners are apt to express refusals with care and/or caution represented by using more statements of reason/explanation, statements of regret, wish and refusal adjuncts in their refusals than Americans. Americans are more sensitive to their interlocutor's higher and equal status, whereas Iraqi EFL learners to lower status. The study is suitable for the topic I chose for its valuable information. 2. Article 2 Al-Khatani, S., A., W. (2005). Refusals Realizations in Three Different Cultures: A Speech Act Theoretically-based Cross-cultural Study...

Words: 2596 - Pages: 11

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Literary Translation and (or as?) Conflict Between the Arab

...published in The Nation. In it, he argues that Arabic literature is “embargoed” in the West even if one of its most prominent figures, the Egyptian novelist and short story writer Naguib Mahfouz, was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1988. Said spoke of some “singular” reasons for this situation: [...] of all the major world literatures, Arabic remains relatively unknown and unread in the West for reasons that are unique, and I think remarkable at a time when tastes here [the United States] for the non-Western are more developed than before and, even more compelling, contemporary Arabic literature is at a particularly interesting juncture (Said 372). Although Said’s article was well received by Arab and non Arab critics and researchers (such as Richard Jacquemond, 1992), its main argument was also challenged by other critics and scholars such as Peter Clark (2000). The latter maintained that Arabic literature in translation has significantly progressed since 1988 and has been more reviewed and studied than before. In this article, I do not intend to either defend or question Said’s view but would like to examine an important issue which is central to his article: the impact of geopolitical conflicts on literary translation. I will be looking specifically at the influence of conflicts between the Arab world and the West on the translation of their respective literatures into Arabic or Western languages (mainly French and English). I will try to show that geopolitics can...

Words: 4491 - Pages: 18

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Language Situation in Bangladesh

...since its independence in 1971. However, before the independence, the region now known as Bangladesh had been existed as a multilingual country for centuries throughout its social and political development. In the early period of history, there were various aboriginal speech communities including mainly the speakers of Austro-Asiatic and Tibeto-Burman languages distributed throughout the different regions of this country. The multilingual situation that had existed for millenniums changed in the later period with the settlement of the immigrant people into two phases. In the first phase, the Aryan speech communities immigrated into this region until the beginning of 1st Millennium. In the second phase, the Muslim people including Afgan, Arabic, Persian and Turkish speech communities...

Words: 3927 - Pages: 16

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Ethics and gives them a sense of security. This essay would show how globalization is a threat to cultural identity, it also explains on the factors that threaten the cultural identity in the UAE such as the loss of Arabic language, foreign educational curricula and Media. Despite the fact that, the significance of English as the most widely used language of globalization is perceived, Arabic is viewed as an essential piece of national, Middle Easterner and Islamic character. It is obvious that the individuals who are not familiar with English will be at clear disadvantage which leads to the fears of natives and governments seething that Arabic dialect is crumbling at a disturbing rate and adding to youth losing their personality, society and legacy (Tomlinson, 2013). Dialect is thought to be the most conspicuous piece of any society on the grounds that individuals use to communicate with and communication acts as an essential part in exchanging the social traits starting with one era then onto the next. Due to the fact that the over impedance of western society and globalization in the UAE, their dialect avoided and changed towards the English. As English is easy to learn effectively and rapidly, it caught and spread in the Arab district and surpassed the Arabic dialect which allowed individuals to lose their cultural identity and...

Words: 931 - Pages: 4

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Culture and Identity

...represents specific stages in our lives, and terminology that is linked to our emotions”(Talhouk 3). Culture is the same. Every time we smell, see or listen to something, it might bring memories that only people from the same culture can remember. These memories shape the way we perceive things in a sense that what could be normal for a group of people, can be disturbing or weird for others from different cultures. According to Talhouk, “The Arabic language doesn’t satisfy today's needs… it definitely isn’t a language we use at the airport. If we did so, they’d strip us of our clothes” (Talhouk 1-2). She believes that she can not use Arabic in the airport because she knows that the Arabic language will bring memories of the 911 to people making them to react certain way “they’d strip us of our clothes”. This connects back to the idea that culture makes us perceive things differently. At the airport they may react this way to her language, but at some place else with different people, they might find it interesting that she speaks Arabic. It is impossible to erase culture because it is what makes us...

Words: 797 - Pages: 4

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...Mohammed Hussein Page 1 Module 2 Short Answer 4/8/15 I move to the United States about 5 years ago. I came here as a refugee from Iraq because of how dangerous it was living there. Also because I couldn’t further my education. I got to Minnesota on July 1, 2010. It was a long trip from the Middle East. The Longest fleet was about 18 hours which was from Budapest to New York. I took the first day to just catch on my sleep. The second day was a bit of a challenge to all of my family because our English was tested by our neighbor. We had no idea what he was trying to say. Took us hours to understand him. He was simply telling us welcome to the neighborhood. We were all limited on our English Skills. Our English Skills were our first challenge that we faced. We had to communicate with people that we didn’t speak their language. We managed to find a family close by that spoke Arabic. They helped us as much as they could with English and Doctor’s appointments and shopping and so on and so forth. It was finally time to start the school year. Remember I had so limited English that I could only say “Hey how are you?” and say “yes and no”. That is almost true for every non English speak. School started and homework was the toughest thing I had faced for the first couple of weeks. I was failing all of my classes. Everything was so new to me and I had to somehow adjust to it. I got to a point where I didn’t want to go to school because I felt like an idiot. I was like a deaf person...

Words: 743 - Pages: 3

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Summary of in Jordan the Hip Speak Arabizi

...Sharjah In Jordan the Hip Speak ‘Arabizi’ Summary In the article, “In Jordan,. The Hip Speak ‘Arabizi,’” by Ibon Villelabeitia, Villelabeitia (2012) discusses how Arabic and English language is being mixed into one language called Arabizi, which became a social symbol to define the upper class in Jordan that causes the Arabic language to slowly fade away. This article interprets the reasoning behind why the young generation is using this language that helps them to express their opinions easier about unmannered topics spoken in the public by using English rather than Arabic, as it can be imposed differently in Arabic. However, linguists think that English language is destroying Arabic language from the American pop culture. The author points out in his article that Arabizi is being widely used by well-educated Jordanians class, which is drawing away the native language and exposing a social and economic gap in the country.. Finally, the author then concludes his piece by giving a brief about a documentary called “Arabizi” directed by Dalia Alkury and providing a quote from the director that brief states that even though the director speaks Arabizi, she is still close to her culture. Word Count: 185 Reference Villelabeitia, I. (2012). In Jordan, the Hip Speak 'Arabizi'. Majili's of the 'Others' (2 ed., pp. 148 - 150). London: Pearson Education...

Words: 255 - Pages: 2

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...Pearson Edexcel International General Certificate of Secondary Education May–June Summer 2014 Examination Timetable – FINAL Pearson Edexcel International General Certificate of Secondary Education May–June Summer 2014 Examination Timetable – FINAL Examination timetables are available in an electronic format: An electronic Interboard Searchable Timetable allows Examination Officers to obtain a unified view of examination dates for general qualifications administered by the Unitary Awarding Bodies in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. For more information on Edexcel qualifications please visit Pearson Edexcel International General Certificate of Secondary Education May–June Summer 2014 Examination Timetable – FINAL Notes 1. Conduct of Examinations • Each examination must be taken on the day and at the time shown on the timetable. The published starting time of all examinations is either 9.00 a.m. or 1.30 p.m. Candidates with more than one examination in a session should take these consecutively. A supervised break may be given between consecutive examinations. • Centres may start examinations earlier than, or later than, the published starting time for the session without prior permission from Edexcel. However, in order to maintain the security of the examination all candidates must start examinations scheduled for a morning session no earlier than 8.30 a.m. and by 9.30 a.m. and for an afternoon...

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