Premium Essay

Enron Paper


Submitted By maggiem618
Words 2284
Pages 10
The Smartest Guys in the Room: The Amazing Rise and Scandalous Fall of Enron
The tale of Enron is a story of human weakness, of hubris and greed and rampant self-delusion; of ambition run amok; of a grand experiment in the deregulated world; of a business model that didn’t work; and of smart people who believed their next gamble would cover their last disaster—and who couldn’t admit they were wrong.1
Once one of the country’s foremost companies in regards to earnings, innovation, and reputation, Enron seemed to have it all. No one would have ever suspected that the company was billions of dollars in debt. Those at the top frequently assured everyone that all was well. No one thought to look any further. And therein lies the problem…
While there is an endless list of things that could have altered the path Enron was on, I am only going to touch on a few of my recommendations. First of all, the corporate culture of Enron was a breeding ground for greed and immoral actions. Employees were rewarded for the money they brought in, no matter how it was made. They were encouraged to use unsavory ways to drive the price of their product up, no matter the cost to the consumer. They exploited their customers time and time again in the name of good business. This all stemmed from the “tone at the top.”2 “Tone at the top is a level of commitment to integrity, to doing the right thing at all costs despite the consequences such action may have on financial performance. Actions speak louder than words. Observing how leaders make decisions and act on a day-to-day basis is the most convincing evidence about the cultural reality at a company.”2 Those working below Skilling and Lay got a glimpse into their extravagant lifestyles and attempted to emulate that, no matter who they cut down in their path. This unhealthy corporate culture was one of the main causes of this

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