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Eriksons Timeline


Submitted By erin12183
Words 821
Pages 4
As it states in our reading In Young Man Luther, Erikson wrote: “To be adult means among other things to see one’s own life in continuous perspective, both in retrospect and prospect”. For me the stage I feel I am at in my life is more than one stage. The first is Generativity versus stagnation, the seventh stage (The Person, 2009). For me, this stage covers the need to be needed, and I get this from the one constant that I know for sure: that I am a mom who wants the best for my child. So for this I feel I relate to this stage, not only for my child, but I have the need to feel wanted in many aspects and thus could be why I am wanting to go into a career in human services.
The question posed during this stage is “why do I feel the need to be needed so much?” I believe this consciously comes from being a teenager and not feeling loved as much as I would have liked, or events that happened that made me feel unloved. So for this I crave attention now; wanting to be wanted. The stage I feel I connect with the most though is intimacy vs. isolation. This stage is where you are supposed to have the question of “who am I?” out of the way for the most part, and I know who I am, just not what I want to be or even who I want to be with. At times I am so confused. I think I never got to fully find myself throughout my twenties. I was too wrapped up in other things such as drugs that I did not even know how to live life in a normal way. I did not know my likes and dislikes or even what I liked to do for fun. A part of me still has been so sheltered in what I thought I should be worrying about, such as finding a husband and having a father figure in my daughter’s life, that this is why I say I don’t know who I am to a point. My identity at this point is broken down to girl with the kid. I don’t feel as though I have one other than being a mom.
I guess for me the Idea

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