Premium Essay



Submitted By asimgrg
Words 1897
Pages 8
Past Crime and Deviance Questions

Sept 2008

Read Item A below and answer the question that follows.
Item A
Situational crime prevention (SCP) involves intervening in the immediate situations in which crime takes place to reduce its likelihood or seriousness. It often involves ‘designing crime out’ of products, services and environments, for example by use of anti-climb paint, CCTV and security guards in shops, better street lighting, metal detectors at airports, neighbourhood watch schemes and the re-designing of housing estates.

SCP does not rely on intervening in children’s socialisation to prevent them becoming criminals later, or on the threat of punishments to deter current criminals. Instead, it makes specific changes aimed at influencing the decision or ability of offenders to commit particular crimes in particular situations. Like rational choice theory, SCP sees criminals as acting rationally. By making certain crimes less rewarding, more risky or needing greater effort, SCP makes criminals less likely to choose to commit them.

02 Using material from Item A and elsewhere, assess the usefulness of conflict theories for an understanding of crime and deviance in contemporary society. (21 marks)

Jan 2010

Read Item A below and answer the question that follows.

02 Using material from Item A and elsewhere, assess the view that ethnic differences in crime rates are the result of the ways in which the criminal justice system operates. (21 marks)

June 2010

Read Item A below and answer the question that follows.

02 Using material from Item A and elsewhere, assess sociological views of the relationship between crime and the mass media.

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