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Essay On Augustine On Evil

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The main big issue which occurs in problem of evil is that how God and evil can exists together, for instance if God exists, then there should be the prevention of evil, and if evil exists in the world that shows that God does not exist. This problem is logically explained by the Augustine in this paragraph. All powerful, all knowing and perfectly nice God would not allow any evil or suffering in the world. Augustine considers God as “completely innocent of evil”, the almighty all powerful God all good wouldn’t create anything evil or do anything evil. Evil is although a corruption in the good created by the God. It is not anything that God created by itself but it is the beings who did corruption in the good, which leads that to evil. Evil and bad deeds …show more content…
It is totally a deprivation of good in evil though evil does not exist. According to Augustine evil has no existence. It is something God did not created, but it is something God uses for good, God includes evil in his well-ordered universe. The logical overview of Augustine on Evil distinguishes it in two versions; the moral problem of evil and the metaphysical problem of evil. In the moral problem of evil different type of question are raised for e.g. How can God be all-good and all-powerful and all-knowing and not be guilty of causing or allowing evil in the universe? The reply given by Augustine to these questions includes the point in which he explained that evil does not exist but it is the free will which is misused by the beings and the angels. In the metaphysical problem of evil it is asked e.g. How is it logically possible for both evil and a God who is all-good and all-powerful and all-knowing to exist at the same time? The response given by Augustine to this version says that the idea that evil is a privation of being, a corruption. Technically, evil and God do not both exist at the same time. According to his statement God exist but evil

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