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Essay On Cost Of Health Insurance

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The Price We Pay For Good Health We need to find a way to help the insurance rate come down. There is many people doing without health insurance and paying doctor bills out of pocket. This is causing stress on the body and bad health. The price of insurance continues to climb, but we are not seeing any more money in our pockets to compensate for the rise. In my eyes I feel that Obama Care was designed poorly. The Price of Health Insurance has sky rocked in the last few years. I thought Obama Care was created to help absorb some of the price increases for those of us that are not middle class or higher. From my personal experience with health insurance I noticed a GIANT jump in my own insurance prices from six years ago until now. Mind …show more content…
“Last year Obama Care rose 4% and this next year, 2017 it is expected to rise 13%.” (Melody Peterson and Noam N. Levey, L.A. Times) This is over three times the Pg. 2
In-crease in the last two years. The L. A. Times also states that Blue Shield and Anthem Insurance has announced that they will also have increases. Blue Shield will have an increase of 19% and Anthem at 16%. The impact of Health Care increases are going to majorly affect society. The health insurance increases is affecting people in many ways. For example, my brother is a single dad with three boys 8-12 years of age. He works long hours to pay the bills and make sure the family has its needs met. His job offers health insurance, but does not pay anything towards it. He is not able to financially afford health insurance, even Obama Care is too expensive for his family. My brother and his family go without health insurance. At the end of last year when tax time came around, he is fined $300.00 for every person in his family that did not have insurance. This is cheaper for him than having health insurance. What is wrong with

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