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Essay On Gun Safety In America

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Thank you, America, for selecting me as your candidate for the democratic party. I assure you that this beautiful nation will be safe in the hands of an intelligent and responsible president who received proper education at Yale University. I will make America a safe place to be for all people, and make sure that every resident of this country will get the respect they deserve. There are many issues that America is struggling with, and I promise that I will solve them and make this wonderful country even better.
Gun control is a crucial issue. More than 33,000 Americans are killed by guns each year, and it is time to act. Gun safety directly affects the nation’s safety, all citizen’s safety, and more importantly, your safety. At the moment, gun safety is not enforced enough and I will fix that as president. I will enforce gun laws diligently. I will make schools gun-free zones to protect our promising next generation. I support comprehensive background checks and a reform I will institute is that people on the no-fly list or terror watch list will not be allowed to purchase guns. This will improve our gun safety by not allowing past offenders of gun laws to get their hands on a gun again.
I believe that each and every student in …show more content…
I will support Planned parenthood, the marvelous organization that supports women across America and provides them with beneficial medical procedures and cancer screenings that are necessary for them to have a long and healthy lifestyle. Many people, including my rival, Donald Trump, are planning to place very rigorous restrictions on women that block them from making this very intimate and difficult decision. There is no reason for men to control this very personal subject of a woman’s health. It is time for America to have a president who truly cares about the rich inner lives of women. I promise to give women the choice they

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