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Essay: the Bad Seed


Submitted By ns3e
Words 870
Pages 4
The world itself is full of people and the secrets hidden within. A prime example of this are from books like The Bad Seed by William March and We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson. These two novels both contain characters with many secrets, many dark secrets that cause them to hide and live away from society. In a sense, these characters live in “secret worlds”. Starting off with The Bad Seed, Rhoda, the main character who is responsible for violent crimes and her mother Christine who is the “guardian angel” that’s responsible for keeping Rhoda out of trouble. Just like Rhoda, the character Merricat from We Have Always Lived in the Castle is the one causing the trouble and her sister Constance is the protector. The dark secrets of both Rhoda and Merricat involving murder provide reasons as to why they separate themselves from society, why this secrecy leads them to perversity and violence and why the emotions felt within encourage this life of secrecy. Both characters live in a world where they have a difficult time adapting to society and life problems. As a result, they do what they feel is needed even if it involves performing murderous actions. The secrecy deep within the characters lead to violence and is probably due to the fact that they don’t have the support that they need. For instance in Rhoda’s situation, her father Kenneth leaves at the beginning of the novel and heads out on a business trip. This leaves her to mainly rely on her mother Christine, who unfortunately is somewhat naïve and not a very strong individual to come to for support. When Rhoda encounters a troublesome situation like the one with Claude Daigle and the metal, if she would have had a better support structure to talk to for guidance then she may not have done what she did. After committing murder on Claude, she is then left with torturing thoughts about what she

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