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Eth 316 Final Paper


Submitted By Rambo22
Words 926
Pages 4
McDonalds Cultural Issues

McDonalds is one of the largest food chains in the world. It became a sensation in the US years back and expanded their business to countries all over the globe. McDonalds can be seen in the US, China, Costa Rica, Panama, Australia, Japan, Iraq, Netherlands, and the list goes on and on totally approximately 120 countries. McDonalds is a huge global phenomenon. Their success is accredited to many different reasons. One being that they are so business savvy and was able to successful work with other countries and cultures to make their business work there. However, despite all their success they did encounter cultural issues that affected their organizations interactions outside the US. This paper will cover those issues and go into detail about what steps they took to overcome them. These issues include health, and how to implement American fast food in a different culture.

McDonalds is currently facing an issue not only in the US but also in other countries about the health of their food. McDonald’s has been under scrutiny about their fast food, high calories and not to mention people are blaming McDonalds for making people fat. This issue is being brought to McDonalds by many of the 120 countries where they have business. Take Japan for example, Japan is known to be primarily a healthy country and low numbers of obese people. They were being attacked for trying to sell what is known as unhealthy food to a healthy culture, thus this hindered their sales. To counter these issues, McDonalds modified their menu options. They began selling “healthier food choices.” One of these healthier foods was egg white breakfast sandwiches. This was a hit in the US and was showing to be a hit in Japan. This slightly helped their counter negative perceptions the Japanese communities had about McDonalds. Also China is one of McDonald’s largest

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