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Ethical Decision Making Method


Submitted By alcatraz214
Words 1145
Pages 5
What Makes an Army Leader Practical Exercise

Student Handout

Extracted Material from Task 158-C-1230

| |This student handout contains one page of extracted material from the following publication: |
| |Task 158-C-1230, Apply the Ethical Decision Making Method at Small Unit Level |
| | | |
| |Disclaimer: The training developer downloaded the extracted material from the General Dennis J. Reimer Training and|
| |Doctrine Digital Library ( The text may contain passive voice, misspellings, |
| |grammatical errors, etc., and may not be in compliance with the Army Writing Style Program. |

Apply the Ethical Decision Making Method at Small Unit Level


Conditions: As a leader faced with a situation which requires you to make an ethical decision.

Standards: Resolved the situation ethically by appropriately applying the Ethical Decision Making Method FM-1
FM 6-22
AR 600-100.

Training and Evaluation Guide

Performance Steps:

1. Clearly define the ethical problem.

2. Employ applicable laws and regulations.

3. Reflect on the ethical values and their ramifications.

4. Consider other applicable moral principles.

5. Commit to and implement the best ethical solution.

6. Assess results and modify plan as required.

Performance Evaluation Guide

Evaluation Preparation: Provide soldier with references listed below. Prepare a scenario that requires the soldier to respond accurately, IAW task standards, to the task performance measures listed above. This may be presented orally or in writing.


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