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Ethical Dilemmas: The Ana Code Of Ethics In Nursing

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Description of the actions you would take

Lena is in a complicated situation; there are several ethical principles at stake. Respect for her sister’s boyfriends’ autonomy in addition to the principles of beneficence, to do good as well as avoid harm. Nonmaleficence, the intention of doing good although some harm may come. The principles of justice, to protect her sister from a possible life threating disease. As a registered nurse we are bound by both legal and ethical obligations that we must contend with before we react to a situation. Laws are commands, the consequences for not obeying the law is a loss of a license to practice nursing. And ethics are the systematic study of morality with no room for opinions or gut reactions (Laureate …show more content…
HIPAA falls under federal jurisdiction, and every nurse knows the consequences of performing a HIPAA violation. According to NC law and Communicable Disease Manual, communicable disease surveillance and investigation exempt from HIPAA regulations (Rocco, January 09, 2014, slide 9). The ANA code of ethics has nine provisions that nurses follow; they help us when faced with ethical dilemmas. In 1976 an emphasis was added to obligation one to include “nature of health problems” (Fowler, 2008, p. 3-5). I interpret this addendum to include such health issues as HIV infection. In other words, it doesn’t matter what condition the client has weathered it is diabetes mellitus or HIV we treat them all with respect and concern. Keeping the HIPAA laws and the ANA code of ethics in mind, if I were in Lena’s situation, I would call my sister’s boyfriend and ask to have a meeting with him. I would want to speak with him alone, so I could share with him what my job entails. I would choose my words wisely to let him know that I am aware of his diagnosis. Once I am confident that he is aware of my knowledge of his condition, I would share with him my concern over his health and wellbeing. Next, I would let him know that a diagnosis such as HIV is not a death sentence anymore, compliance with medications and a few lifestyle changes …show more content…
If this is a new diagnosis for him, I would assume she does not know, and I would imagine that they have already been intimate with each other and she has already been exposed. I would then offer to be with him when he tells my sister about his diagnosis, so I can help her any way I can with her questions concerns or knowledge deficits relating to

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