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Ethics 2


Submitted By sriveraa
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Extracted Material from Task 158-C-1230
This student handout contains one page of extracted material from the following publication:
Task 158-C-1230, Apply the Ethical Decision Making Method at Small Unit Level

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Apply the Ethical Decision Making Method at Small Unit Level


Conditions: As a leader faced with a situation which requires you to make an ethical decision.

Standards: Resolved the situation ethically by appropriately applying the Ethical Decision Making Method IAW FM 22-100.

Training and Evaluation Guide

Performance Steps:

1. Clearly define the ethical problem.
The ethical problem is if I should be honest and report this security breech.

2. Employ applicable laws and regulations.
I would have to check my unit's internal Standard Operation Procedures to determine what the regulations are regarding proper disposal of classified documents.

3. Reflect on the ethical values and their ramifications.
There are seven core Army values. I don't believe that all seven apply to this situation, but I will reflect on the ones that I think are relevant. The first Army value is "Loyalty". Is reporting SGT Day for his decision to cover up this discovery showing disloyalty to my unit? The second Army value is "Duty". I am to fulfill my obligations and refuse to take shortcuts that could undermine the integrity of those obligations. The third Army value is "Respect". Part of that Army value is trusting that all people have done their jobs and fulfilled their duty. Is reporting this breech of security showing

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