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Etudiant En Master Commerce International À Gem


Submitted By AugustoArteaga
Words 2857
Pages 12
Topic 1
Generalizations about Behavior
Happy workers are productive workers. Individuals more productive when boss is friendly- approachable.
The best leaders are those that exhibit consistent behavior, regardless of the situations they face.. Everyone wants a challenging job. You have to scare people a little to get them to do their jobs. Everyone is motivated by money.

Theories of Managers:
These theories base leadership on a system of rewards and punishments. Managerial theories are often used in business; when employees are successful, they are rewarded; when they fail, they are reprimanded or punished

- “Great Person” Theories
According to this point of view, great leaders are simply born with the necessary internal characteristics such as charisma, confidence, intelligence, and social skills that make them natural-born leaders. assume that the capacity for leadership is inherent – that great leaders are born, not made.

- Trait Theories assume that people inherit certain qualities and traits that make them better suited to leadership. Trait theories often identify particular personality or behavioral characteristics shared by leaders. For example, traits like extraversion, self-confidence, and courage are all traits that could potentially be linked to great leaders.

- Behavior Theories based upon the belief that great leaders are made, not born. Consider it the flip-side of the Great Man theories. According to this theory, people can learn to become leaders through teaching and observation.

- Contingency Theories
According to this theory, no leadership style is best in all situations. Success depends upon a number of variables, including the leadership style, qualities of the followers and aspects of the situation.

- Influence Theories these are based on the different ways that leaders use power and influence to get things done,

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