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European Expansion DBQ

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The Age of Exploration marked a significant turning point in European history, as various nations sought to expand their influence by venturing into the uncharted territories of the New World. This expansive attitude was motivated by “trade with the east, by religious and political rivalries, by the cultural curiosity rooted in the Renaissance, and by the emergence of new technologies” (Donato 10). In this New World the Europeans would come in contact with new people groups which would challenge their existing worldviews, often leading to a mix of fascination, fear, and exploitation as they struggled to categorize and understand these unfamiliar societies. The factors that motivated European expansion—greed, glory, and religion—were not only …show more content…
Initially, the indigenous people were seen as peaceful and innocent, with Columbus remarking that they “do not hold any creed nor are they idolaters; but they all believe that power and good are in the heavens” (Doc D). This initial view of the inhabitants was shaped by a sense of awe and religious mysticism. However, as European expansion continued, this sense of wonder gave way to a growing belief in their own superiority. As Spielvogel notes, Europeans “quickly saw opportunities for conquest and exploitation,” shifting from curiosity to a desire for control over the indigenous people and their resources. As European contact with the New World deepened, this initial sense of curiosity and reverence gradually transformed into a sense of superiority and exploitation. Spielvogel describes how the developed civilizations of these natives were “not much appreciated by Europeans,” reflecting the growing dismissiveness toward native cultures (435). Due to this sense of superiority, Europeans would replace the already existing structures of the New World with their own “institutions, religion, language, and culture” ( Spielvogel

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