Premium Essay



Submitted By ilikechicken
Words 975
Pages 4
… Divorced, Beheaded, Survived
The story, Divorced, Beheaded, Survived, takes place in two different settings. The first (The flashbacks) setting we get introduced to is the childhood neighborhood of Sarah and her older brother Terry. We hear about them and their friends, and how they used to play together in the game of playing the Tudors (old English royal family). The flashbacks are between the years 1973 and 1974. The second setting is taking place in the present time, in the home of Sarah, with Sarah as the main character. She has a family with her husband Lyle and together they have 2 children, Coco and Mark. In both settings death is appearing. First there is the death of Terry and in the present path we hear about the death of Mark’s best friend, Peter. The events in the present have some sort of connection with Sarah’s flashbacks, it’s explained below.
We read the story in Sarah’s point of view, so it’s a first person narrator. Even though there is a first person narrator the story, events and descriptions seems to be reliable. To me the story seems like an open diary. She’s telling her story to us and not herself. In her childhood she, with her brother and their friends, likes to play the role of Anne Boleyn, the former wife of Henry VIII. Anne was beheaded by her husband due to not giving him a son. She was charged for treason and adultery. All of the kids were especially fascinated by her death, they play it over and over again and discuss who gets play Anne Boleyn, and she was their favorite character. Since none of them had death close to them, they seemed to find it quite exciting and great. After Terry’s death everybody has changed, the other kids start to take distance from Sarah. In the future Terry’s death is still having an effect on Sarah, she hasn’t talked to her kids about him. And that’s one of the most important details in the story. By not

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Problem of Evil

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