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Exxon Valdez Case Study


Submitted By Chaira
Words 1682
Pages 7
Communication and Journalism Department


Submitted by:
Chaira Mae C. Aguilar

Submitted to:
January 11, 2016 I. SUMMARY and SYNTHESIZE
In March 1989, the oil tanker Exxon Valdez underwent an accident in Prince William Sound in Alaska. This accident resulted in a massive oil spill, where more than 10 million gallons of crude oil leaked into the sea. Exxon’s problems were worse by its lack of preparation and bravery in dealing with the situation. Lawrence Rawl, CEO, stayed out of the public view for almost a week after the incident happened. After a meeting, he faced the demonstrators and stakeholders. He took all the responsibility and promised an investigation.
According to Office of Response and Restoration, with this banishment institutionalized in U.S. law, Exxon Shipping Company shifted the operational area to the Mediterranean and Middle East and renamed it. In 1993, Exxon spun off its shipping arm to a subsidiary, Sea River Maritime, Inc., and Exxon Mediterranean became the Sea River (S/R( Mediterranean. In 2002, the ship was re-assigned to Asian routes and then temporarily mothballed in an undisclosed location.
According to The Whole Truth, Exxon, along with the rest of the oil industry knew that navigating a large supertanker through the icy and treacherous waters of Prince William Sound was extremely complicated. Armed with this knowledge the oil companies promised to use great care to avoid a spill. Exxon broke the said promise.
According to The Whole Truth, Exxon allowed Captain Hazelwood, a relapsed alcoholic, visited two local bars and consumed between 5 and 9 double shots before boarding the ship.
According to The Whole Truth, Even though Captain Hazelwood was the only officer on board licensed to navigate through

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