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Fahrenheit 451 Quotes

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Part One-Fahrenheit 451 Literary Significance Note

Key Events:
Since the incident with the burning of the house and the woman, Montag did not feel well the next day. Montag was trying to talk to Mildred about what happened and she couldn't care less. “She was nothing to me; she shouldn't have had books.” Pg 51
Montag tries to tell Mildred that he wants to quit his job but Mildred wasn't supporting him on the decision. Captain Beatty comes over to check up on Montag and gives the background history about why everyone stopped reading books.
Mildred was fixing Montag's bed and almost found the book he was trying to hide under his pillow. He refused to let Mildred make his bed.
After Captain Beatty leaves, Montag shows Mildred all the books he has been trying to hide. Mildred was shocked at first but convinces her to help him see if what Beatty was …show more content…
Thats you, Montag, and thats me.” Pg 58-59
Context: Montag asks Captain Beatty how firemen became to be and, Beatty explains.
Metaphor: “A book is a loaded gun in the house next door.” This metaphor reveals that the government wants everyone to think, as soon as you open a book, and it fills you with knowledge, you are a criminal. The government views books as a useless, meaningless, and is not needed in society.
Themes: Ignorance of knowledge because 451’s government thinks that knowledge and books is pointless since the firemen get to burn every single letter in a book. This would also reveal mindlessness because everyone in the society is oblivious to what the government is doing. They have been completely brainwashed.

-She’s nothing to me; she shouldn't have had books, house, no job, nothing.” Pg 51
Context: Montag tells Mildred that he wanted to quit being a fireman for a while. Mildred replies shocked and upset since Montag suddenly wants to quit after only 1

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