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Feminist And Nazi: The Classic Feminazi

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Pages 2
Feminazi, a portmanteau of the words “feminist” and “Nazi”. The term that is used to separate the strong core of feminism and the outlying extremist. Most commonly found in the dark corners of Tumblr, a Feminazi will spend a big portion of her time spewing radical propaganda such as all men are pigs, bras are oppressive and any song that mentions a women is supporting rape. A Feminazi does not only believe in female supremacy, but to accomplish that goal through male genocide.
The classic Feminazi starts her day around 10:00 Pm, she’ll log on to her Tumblr, most likely with a username similar to something like “misandry_mermaid2012” and a password in memorial of her pet cat who died four years ago. She will post something that goes completely

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