Premium Essay

Fims and Movies


Submitted By keishapooh11911
Words 1077
Pages 5
Question 1 (1 point) Three of the options include a problem with incorrect or unclear pronoun usage. Please select the one option that does not have a problem with incorrect or unclear pronoun usage.
Question 1 options: | a) | The chief executive officer of the company, Stan Smith, and his chief financial officer, George Jones, had disagreements at the company picnic, which Smith spoke about at the staff meeting the next week. | | | b) | The chief executive officer of the company, Stan Smith, and his chief financial officer, George Jones, had disagreements at the company picnic, and Smith spoke about these disagreements at the staff meeting the next week. | | | c) | The chief executive officer of the company, Stan Smith, and his chief financial officer, George Jones, had disagreements at the company picnic, which he spoke about at the staff meeting the next week. | | | d) | The chief executive officer of the company, Stan Smith, and his chief financial officer, George Jones, had disagreements at the company picnic, whom Smith spoke about at the staff meeting the next week. | |
Question 2 (1 point)

Three of the options include a problem with incorrect or unclear pronoun usage. Please select the one option that does not have a problem with incorrect or unclear pronoun usage.
Question 2 options: | a) | American students differ from European students in that they expect more personalized attention. | | | b) | American students differ from European students in that it expects more personalized attention. | | | c) | American students differ from European students because they expect more personalized attention. | | | d) | American students differ from European students in that American students expect more personalized attention. | |

Three of the options include a problem with incorrect or unclear

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