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UCSB Computer Science Technical Report 2010-05.

Who’s Driving this Cloud?
Towards Efficient Migration for Elastic and
Autonomic Multitenant Databases
Aaron Elmore

Sudipto Das

Divyakant Agrawal

Amr El Abbadi

Department of Computer Science
University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA

{aelmore, sudipto, agrawal, amr}
The success of cloud computing as a platform for deploying webapplications has led to a deluge of applications characterized by small data footprints but unpredictable access patterns. An autonomic and scalable multitenant database management system (DBMS) is therefore an important component of the software stack for platforms supporting these applications. Elastic load balancing is a key requirement for effective resource utilization and operational cost minimization. Efficient techniques for database migration are thus essential for elasticity in a multitenant DBMS. Our vision is a DBMS where multitenancy is viewed as virtualization in the database layer, and migration is a first class notion with the same stature as scalability, availability etc. This paper serves as the first step in this direction. We analyze the various models of database multitenancy, formalize the forms of migration, evaluate the offthe-shelf migration techniques, and identify the design space and research goals for an autonomic and elastic multitenant database.

Categories and Subject Descriptors
H.2.4 [Database Management]: Systems—Relational databases

General Terms

Cloud computing, multitenancy, elastic data management, database migration 1. INTRODUCTION
Elasticity, pay-per-use, low upfront investment, low time to market, and transfer of risks are some of the enabling features that make cloud computing a ubiquitous paradigm for deploying novel applications which were not economically feasible in a traditional enterprise infrastructure settings. This transformation has resulted in an unforeseen surge in the number of applications being deployed in the cloud. For instance, the Facebook platform1 has more than a million developers and more than 500K active applications [12].
In addition to the sheer scale of the number of applications developed, these applications are characterized by high variance in popularity, small data footprints, unpredictable load characteristics, flash crowds, and varying resource requirements. As a result, PaaS providers, such as Joyent [15], Google App Engine [1], hosting these applications face unprecedented challenges in serving this

emerging class of applications and managing their data. Sharing the underlying data management infrastructure amongst a pool of tenants is thus essential for efficient use of resources and low cost of operations. Large multitenant databases are therefore an integral part of the infrastructure to serve such large number of small applications [16, 19, 20].
The concept of a multitenant database has been predominantly used in the context of Software as a Service (SaaS). The model [19] is often cited as a canonical example of this service paradigm. However, various other models of multitenancy in the database tier [14, 16] and their interplay with resource sharing in the various cloud paradigms (IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS) are often overlooked. A thorough understanding of these models of multitenancy is crucial for designing effective database management system (DBMS)2 targeting different application domains. Furthermore, irrespective of the multitenancy model or the cloud paradigm, autonomic management of large installations supporting thousands of tenants, tolerating failures, with elastic load balancing for effective resource utilization and cost optimization are some of the major challenges for multitenant databases for the cloud. Large distributed Key-Value stores – such as Bigtable [6], Dynamo [10],
PNUTS [8], and their open source counterparts HBase [13] and
Cassandra [5]– are designed to scale to large numbers of concurrent requests using commodity infrastructure of thousands of servers while being elastic and fault-tolerant. Although extremely successful, the Key-Value stores’ simplified data model, lack of transactional support, and lack of attribute based accesses can result in considerable overhead in re-architecting legacy applications which are predominantly based on RDBMS technology. Additionally, an application with smaller storage requirements (tens of MBs to a few GB) would not utilize these scaling advantages of Key-Value stores. Hence, from an individual application’s perspective, developers have to trade the lack of features and less portable code for unnecessary scale capabilities. There is therefore a need for a scalable multitenant RDBMS [20].
Our vision is to develop an architecture of a multitenant DBMS that is scalable, fault-tolerant, elastic, autonomic, consistent, and supports a relational data model. We report a work in progress in designing such a system targeted to serve a large number of small applications typically encountered in a DBMS for the PaaS paradigm. In this paper, we concentrate on the system level issues related to enabling a multitenant DBMS for a broader class of systems. We specifically focus on elastic load balancing which ensures high resource utilization and lowers operational costs. We

DBMS refers to the general class of data stores, including nonrelational systems while RDBMS refers to a subclass of systems supporting the traditional relational model, like MySQL etc.

The Facebook platform closely resembles the PaaS paradigm [11].

A. Elmore et al., Who’s Driving this Cloud? Towards Efficient Migration for Elastic and Autonomic Multitenant Databases

# Sharing Mode

Shared hardware
Shared VM
Shared OS
Shared instance
Shared database
Shared table




fication interesting.
The models corresponding to rows 1–3 share resources at the level of the same machine with different levels of abstractions, i.e., whether sharing resources at the machine level using multiple VMs
(VM Isolation) or sharing the VM by using different user accounts or different database installations (OS and DB Instance isolation).
There is no database resource sharing, and the database instances remain independent. Rows 1–3 only share the machine resources and thus correspond to the shared machine model in the traditional classification. On the other hand, rows 4–6 involve sharing the database process at various isolation levels – from sharing only the installation binary (database isolation), to sharing the database resources such as the logging infrastructure, the buffer pool, etc.
(schema isolation), to sharing the same schema and tables (table row level isolation). Rows 4–6 thus span the traditional classes of shared process (for rows 4 and 5)3 and shared table (row 6).
Shared tables typically involve a design which allows for extensible data models to be defined by a tenant with the actual data stored in single shared table. The design often utilizes ‘pivot tables’ to provide rich database functionality such as indexing and joins. At one extreme is the shared hardware model which uses virtualization to multiplex multiple VMs on the same machine with strong isolation.
Each VM has only a single database process with the database of a single tenant. At the other extreme is the shared table model which stores multiple tenants’ data on shared tables with the finest level of isolation.
In the different models, tenants’ data is stored in various forms.
For shared machine, an entire VM corresponds to a tenant, while for shared table, a few rows in a table correspond to a tenant. Thus, the association of a tenant to a database can be more than just the data for the client, and can include metadata or even the execution state. To span this spectrum, we define a common logical concept of cell:


OS User
DB Instance

Table 1: Multitenant database models and corresponding cloud computing paradigms.

view multitenancy as analogous to virtualization in the database tier for sharing the DBMS resources. Similar to virtual machine (VM) migration [7], efficient database migration in multitenant databases is an integral component to provide elastic load balancing. Furthermore, considering the scale of the system and the need to minimize the operational cost, the system should be autonomous in dealing with failures and varying load conditions. Migration should therefore be a first class notion in the system having the same stature as scalability, consistency, fault-tolerance, and functionality. Even though some known commercial solutions, such as Microsoft SQL
Azure [18], possess some of the aforementioned goals of a multitenant database, no solution exists in published literature or is supported by open-source systems. This paper serves as the first step in this direction where we analyze the various models of multitenancy in the database tier [14, 16] and extend this classification to map to the IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS paradigms. We also categorize the forms of migration, evaluate the state of the art migration techniques available off-the-shelf, and identify the design space and research goals for an autonomic, elastic, and scalable multitenant database. Additionally, preliminary experimental results are provided for the different forms of migration. While much research has examined the various models of multitenancy [14, 16], to the best of our knowledge this is the first work which analyzes the relationship of different database multitenancy models, formalizes migration for a multitenant database, and evaluate the trade-offs based on a number of measures.

D EFINITION 1. A cell is the self-contained granule representing a tenant in the database.

We now analyze the various database multitenancy models and relate them to the different cloud paradigms to determine the tradeoffs in supporting multitenancy.

We henceforth use the term cell to represent all information that is sufficient to serve a tenant. A multitenant database instance consists of thousands of cells, and the actual physical interpretation of a cell depends on the form of multitenancy. With this understanding of the models and the abstraction corresponding to tenants, we now delve into analyzing the interplay of the different forms of multitenancy and the cloud paradigms.

2.1 Multitenancy for Databases


Multitenancy in databases has been prevalent for hosting multiple tenants within a single DBMS while enabling effective resource sharing [3, 14, 16]. SaaS providers like [19] are the most common use cases for database multitenancy. Sharing of resources at different levels of abstraction and distinct isolation levels results in various multitenancy models. The three models explored in the past [14] consist of: shared machine, shared process, and shared table. The model uses shared table, while the other models of multitenancy have not been widely used; Das et al. [9] propose a design that uses the shared process model, and
Soror et al. [17] propose using the shared machine model to improve resource utilization. Nevertheless, some features of cloud computing increases the relevance of the other models. To improve understanding of multitenancy, we use the classification recently proposed by Reinwald [16] which uses a finer sub-division (see
Table 1). Though some of these models collapse to the more traditional models of multitenancy. However, the different isolation levels between tenants provided by these models make this classi-

While broad in concept, three main paradigms have emerged for cloud computing: IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS. We now establish the connection between the database multitenancy models with the cloud computing paradigms (Table 1 summarizes this relationship), while analyzing the suitability of the models for various multitenancy scenarios. IaaS provides the lowest level of abstraction such as raw computation, storage, and networking. Supporting multitenancy in the IaaS layer thus allows much flexibility, and different schema for sharing. The shared hardware model is however best suited in
IaaS. A simple multi-tenant system could be built of a cluster of high end commodity machines, each with a small set of virtual machines. Each virtual machine would host a few database tenants.


Multitenancy for the Cloud

The shared instance model is primarily supported by commercial databases that allows multiple databases (processes) to share a common installation (or binary). Example usage includes running isolated production and test databases. This model can map to both shared machine as well as shared process based on the implementation.


UCSB Computer Science Technical Report 2010-05.

where a source and destination operate as a synchronized cluster.
While the destination host gradually acquires a synchronized state, reads and writes are performed on the host DBMS. Once a stable state is reached, the coordinating process notifies the source host to stop serving the colony, and all future connections are sent to the destination host. A minimal amount of downtime and interruption of service may occur while switching hosts. The minimal operational overhead originates from the hosts needing to run in a mode which is ready for clustering. The coordinator is responsible for redirecting client connections of all cells of the migrated colony to the destination host.
Asynchronous migration is an eventual, blocking migration4 which relies on a coordinating process to copy the colony from a source host to a destination host. The coordinator will track changes to the source during migration and potentially block transactions to ensure consistency. This might cause periods of downtime and service interruption. Once the migration has completed, the coordinator will redirect traffic to the destination. As the coordinator has more control over the migration initialization, this form works well for large cells with regular periods of inactivity.
Live migration is the utopian world for database migration and is the most desirable as well as hardest to implement form of migration. Asynchronous migration is at the other end of the spectrum and the baseline form of migration in system implementations not designed for migration, while synchronous migration strikes a middle ground. An elastic DBMS must at least support synchronous migration to minimize the impact of migration on the tenants and clients, while the goal will be to approach live migration. Table 2 summarizes these forms of migrations and compares their relative costs. Several existing techniques can be utilized for database migration. VM migration has been thoroughly researched and provides an effective means for live migration of a VM without interrupting processes [7]. A lightweight virtual machine running a database process can use live migration for database migration. Many popular RBDMSs have the ability to run in a master-slave mode in order to efficiently replicate data across hosts in a cluster. Synchronous migration can be achieved via the method proposed by
Yang et al. [20] which uses two-phase commit and a read one/write all master-slave mode. However, while some commercial DBMSs support a clustered mode off the shelf, running this mode for open source alternatives would require some scripting and short periods of downtime to change server states. Without a coordinating process, flushing table locks and a database copy tool could be used for consistent asynchronous migration. Additionally, a masterslave replication without two-phase commit could be used to asynchronously migrate cells between hosts. In both synchronous and asynchronous migration, a coordinating process will need to route application connections to the updated hosts and potentially needs to make configuration changes on both hosts to reflect the updated state. In contrast, live VM migration transfers client connections during migration.

This model provides isolation, security, and efficient migration for the client databases with an acceptable overhead, and is suitable for applications with lower throughput but larger storage requirements.
PaaS providers, on the other hand, provide a higher level of abstraction to the tenants. There exist a wide class of PaaS providers, and a single multitenant database model cannot be a blanket choice. For
PaaS systems that provide a single data store API, a shared table or shared instance could meet data needs for the platform. For instance, Google App Engine uses the shared table model for its data store referred to a MegaStore [4]. However, PaaS systems with the flexibility to support to a variety of data stores, such as AppScale [2], can leverage any multitenant database model. SaaS has the highest level of abstraction in which a client uses the service to perform a limited and focused task. Customization is typically superficial and workflows or data models are primarily dictated by the service provider. With rigid definitions of data and processes, and restricted access to a data layer through a web service or browser, the service provider has control over how the tenants will interact with a data store. The shared table model has thus been successfully used by various SaaS providers [3, 14, 19].

The unpredictable usage patterns for the tenants in a multitenant
DBMS mandate the need for elasticity. Migration is a key component for elasticity and load balancing, and hence, migration should be supported as a first class notion in any multitenant DBMS. We now classify forms of migrations and identify state of the art migration techniques. But before we delve into the details of migration, we define the granule for migration. Recall that a cell corresponds to a tenant in the DBMS, and multiple cells will share some common system resources. When migrating, the system will therefore migrate one or more cells. For convenience we refer to a set of one or more cells for migration as a colony.
An autonomic DBMS needs multiple forms of migration to support the variety of SLAs and applications found in the cloud. With this understanding we propose a classification of migration techniques along with a set of metrics to compare the proposed forms.
Downtime is the time a cell may be unavailable during migration.
Interruption of service is the number of in-flight transactions of a tenant that fail during migration due to loss of transaction state, or not meeting the transactional requirements. Required coordination refers to the extent of coordination needed to initiate as well as complete the migration. Note that in an autonomic system, a component within the DBMS should coordinate migration, i.e. determine when to migrate as well as the source and destination machines, and colonies to migrate. The overhead in the system can be separated into: operation overhead which is the overhead on the
DBMS during normal operation that might be incurred to make the system amenable to migration; and migration overhead which is the system overhead during migration. The abstract form definitions below identify the goals of migration and are independent to any multitenancy model.
Live migration involves a seamless, instantaneous migration of a colony from a source host directly to a destination host. All client connections are migrated without the need to reconnect. To initiate migration a coordinating process simply notifies the source host of the destination and relies on the live migration process to independently manage itself.
Synchronous migration is a real time, non-blocking migration4



Having defined the multitenant models and forms of migration, we now examine some strengths and weaknesses of the different multitenancy models for supporting migration. We also evaluate the applicability of “off the shelf” migration solutions and provide preliminary experimental results for the various forms.



Blocking and non-blocking migration refers to potential blocking of client database calls, and not the internal implementation used to achieve the migration.

Shared Table Migration

It is important to note that while the shared table model does offer many advantages and is the best fit for SaaS applications, mi3

A. Elmore et al., Who’s Driving this Cloud? Towards Efficient Migration for Elastic and Autonomic Multitenant Databases

Form of


Interruption of Service






Very Minimal




Table 2: Summary of the forms of migration and the associated costs. gration is extremely challenging and any potential method is coupled to the implementation. In systems without elastic migration, isolation controls must be present to prevent high load tenants from degrading system wide performance. Apex, a proprietary multitenant aware programming language implemented by SalesForce, is an example of delegating resource control to an external component [19]. Additionally, many shared table models use tenant identifiers or entity keys as a natural partition to control physical data placement [6, 19]. It is our belief that data placement and resource management decisions should be encapsulated within the DBMS in order to support robust migration for an elastic multitenant system.
Lastly, the popular approach of using a ‘single’ heap storage for all tenants [3, 19] makes isolating a cell for migration extremely challenging. Without the ability to isolate a cell, none of the techniques in Section 3 allow for migration. This leaves efficient migration of shared tables an open problem.

and VM models with a slight increase in configuration complexity and redundancy. The synchronized replication implementation by Yang et al. [20] only incurred a 5-25% overhead compared to stand alone database. As the amount of time required for the synchronized mode is limited, this overhead is acceptable. A nonsynchronized master-slave configuration replicated a 1 GB TPC-C database in 500 seconds on average. If replication is desired for durability, this form can be leveraged for handling failures along with migration [20]. Primary benefits of using shared DB instance and synchronous migration are:
• Reduced redundancy compared to shared hardware.
• Good for DBMSs not optimized for multi-cores (each core can focus on a low number of databases).
• Minimal downtime, interruption of service, and operation overhead. Disadvantages of using this multitenancy model and synchronous migration: • Network configuration changes to reflect the new location of a colony.
• Isolation and impact on cells not in the migration colony will be implementation dependent.

4.2 Shared Hardware Migration
Using the shared hardware model gives flexibility for migration options. The ease, isolation, and performance of VM migration makes this an ideal form of migration. Additionally, using VM migration abstracts the complexity of managing memory state, file migration and networking configuration. Live migration only requires
Xen be configured to accept migrations from a specified host. Using Xen and a 1 Gbps network switch, we were able to migrate an Ubuntu image running MySQL with a 1 GB TPC-C database between hosts on average in only 20 seconds. Running the TPCC benchmark in a standard OS versus a virtual OS, we observed an average increase of response times by 5-10%. In summary, the major benefits of using shared hardware and live migration for cell migration are:
• Isolation, ease of use, and no network configuration updates.
• No downtime and minimal interruption of service.
• Determining when and what to migrate becomes a simple examination of resources available compared to resources consumed.
Disadvantages of using this multitenancy model:
• Potential need for shared filesystem or disk snapshots.
• Low to moderate operation overhead.
• If a VM is a cell then redundancy is high due to replicated
OS and DB services across VMs.
• Number of tenants is coupled with the amount and quality of hardware available. Requires more horizontal growth.


Shared Database Migration

Using a single database instance and having cells isolated on schemas (or tablespaces supported in Oracle), potentially removes the ability to use synchronized database replication as these migrations occur at the database level within the process. Since the colony being migrated might be a proper subset of all cells located on a database, the migration process will need to be selective in building the colony to be migrated. Therefore, asynchronous migration is an ideal candidate for shared database migration. With state information, such as transactions logs, shared amongst cells connected clients may be affected by the locking required to achieve a consistent copy. To test the impact of asynchronous migration we created a shared MySQL database with five small TPC-C databases
(200 MB) in different schemas. TPC-C load testing applications were run against four of the databases to measure change in response time during the asynchronous replication of the fifth database.
With a moderately high load (five threads per cell testing maximal throughput), we observed average response times degrade by 10% during a transaction wrapped online copy to a destination host. Attention must be paid to the locking schemes used; For example
MySQL allows for all tables to be locked during a copy, which results in blocking non-migrating cells for the duration of the copy.
Without any locking or transactions the copy process had minimal impact on performance, but without a coordinating process this can lead to consistency problems. This model’s reduced replication’s impact on migration isolation and consistency, demonstrates the need for an autonomic migration process. A naive asynchronous migration using an export and import tool (MySQLDump), took an average 920 seconds for a 1 GB TPC-C database. It is worth noting that for the naive migration 95% of the time was spent on importing the database, with only 5% of the time for exporting and copying.
In summary, benefits of using shared database and asynchronous migration include:

4.3 Shared Instance Migration
For shared instance, we can have near independent DB instances spawned from a single binary installation. In this model each cell has a unique database process, resulting in replicated resources such as logging, caching, and query optimizers. While redundant, this replication simplifies cell migration by having isolation at the database level. This isolation provides the ability to leverage synchronized migration. As stated before, this migration form is not supported by all RDBMS implementations off the shelf. It is worth noting that the concepts outlined are applicable for the shared OS

UCSB Computer Science Technical Report 2010-05.


• Reduced redundancy allows for a higher number of cells to be hosted on a single host.
• No operational overhead.


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Disadvantages of using shared database and asynchronous migration:
• Requires greater coordination and a longer migration window.
• Moderate downtime and interruption of service.
• Locking and heavy reads during migration may degrade performance of non-migrating cells on the same physical disk.

Elasticity, and database migration to enable elasticity, is critical for the efficient operation of scalable multitenant databases which drive large cloud platforms. We expanded existing multitenancy models and provided a coupling of these models to the various cloud paradigms. We also formalized the forms of migration classifications, introduced the concept of a cell to abstract the tenants and the granule of migration, analyzed the trade-offs associated with the different multitenancy models, and discussed some preliminary techniques for migration of a colony using “off-the-shelf” technology. In summary, we observed that even though a shared table is the most common form of multitenancy in a database, some other lesser known models are more suitable for designing an elastic multitenant DBMS. Furthermore, even though shared hardware provides the best isolation amongst tenants and allows near ideal migration, practical hardware limitations restrict the scale of such a design in terms of number of tenants that can be hosted. Thus, even though virtualization and virtual machine migration [7] have been heavily studied from the systems perspective, the state-of-theart in virtualization for databases and migration of databases have significant shortcomings which need to be addressed for designing a scalable, fault-tolerant, elastic, and autonomic multitenant database for scalable cloud platforms.
Projecting into the future, our observation is that migration techniques should be embedded into the fabric of multitenant DBMSs to allow efficient migration as supported by the shared hardware model, while minimizing the redundancy shortcomings observed here. Much of these shortcomings can be attributed to replicated
OS and DB processes which restrict the number of tenants due to hardware limits. A system designed to scale to a large number of clients should minimize redundancy. The shared DB and shared instance models minimize this redundancy, and we aim to focus our efforts on these models. Evaluating the trade-offs between the amount of redundancy and the degree of isolation, and their impact on migration is an interesting research problem. At this time it is uncertain if the ideal multitenancy model for an elastic DBMS is shared instance, shared DB, or a marriage of the two.
Furthermore, the scale of the cloud mandates autonomic migration and management with minimal or no manual intervention and supervision. Major research challenges for autonomic management include modeling load patterns for determining the time for migration, and identifying the cells that need migration, thus leading to systematic approaches to database migration for supporting elasticity.

The authors would like to thank Ceren Budak and Shoji Nishimura for their insightful comments on the earlier versions of the paper which has helped in improving this paper. This work is partially supported by NSF Grants IIS-0744539 and IIS-0847925.


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Pm Project

...Project Management ENGG 951 Final Project Project Management ENGG 951 Final Project Commercial Tower Construction By : Amro Hafez 4245209 Ali Akram 4601014 Aouis Alhamed 4446082 Lecturer Name : Prof. Kamal Jafaar Page 1 of 61 Project Management ENGG 951 Final Project Table of Contents 1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3 2. Initiating Process Group: .................................................................................................................. 4 3. Project Scope Statement .................................................................................................................. 7 4. Project planning & scheduling: ....................................................................................................... 12 5. Quality Management Plan: ............................................................................................................ 18 6. Health, Safety and Environmental Management (HSEM): ............................................................. 32 7. Risk Management .......................................................................................................................... 36 8. Project Cost Management:............................................................................................................. 47 9. Procurement Management .............................................

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Jgp Cmgt 554 Week 3

...Jay Grand Productions, Inc Brieana Yates CMGT/554 November 9, 2015 LARRY SCHREIDER This project plan for Jay Grand Productions Inc. is a 3 year plan which is to begin December 2015 and has a projected end date of December 2018. This document will outline the improvements to the current information technology throughout the organization. The need for information, knowledge and collaboration sharing has become very important to the success of this business. Clients, collaborators, artists, and investors are interested in being able to access music files, data, email, and master recordings pertinent to their specific projects. Programs such as Final Cut, Logic Pro X, and Office 365 (Saas – Software as a Service) are three of the main technologies that we need to implement for information sharing capabilities. These programs are necessary to create music, create the coordinating video files, and communicate via email. The current system is a star topology using an Ethernet connection on a Cat5 cable. All individual nodes are connected via a wireless LAN on a centralized access point; peer-to-peer infrastructure. The current WAN system plan allows for 350 GB of data with 50 Mbps down and 5 Mbps upload speeds. My recommendation is to increase the amount of data to 700 GB with 100 down and 10 upload speeds. I am also making the recommendation to hire additional IT personnel to assist in implementation, maintenance, ongoing support, and operational needs. It is also my recommendation...

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The Martial Arts Academy School Management System Project Title: Maas Ms Project Charter Business Case

...THE MARTIAL ARTS ACADEMY SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM THE MARTIAL ARTS ACADEMY SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROJECT TITLE: MAAS MS PROJECT CHARTER BUSINESS CASE VERSION 1 MARCH 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS Project Description 3 Measurable Organization Value: MOV3 Deliverable Structure Chart Use-Case Diagram Scope Change Procedure Comparison of Alternatives 3 Skills, Knowledge & Roles5 Roles and Responsibilities6 Meeting Schedule7 Team Communication8 Team Rules and Expectations8 Signatures10 Project Description: MAAS MS The Martial Arts Academy has hired Bella Tech Solutions to design a system to help automate their business operations, improve student retention, and increase revenue. The academy has found that their paper-based process for school enrollment, class entry, and skill progression to become more difficult to manage. For example, instructors have found it difficult to keep track of the classes that students have actually registered for and attended. Also, they have observed an opportunity to maintain an accurate account of the student skill level and progression. Bella Tech Solutions has been tasked with the job of creating a system to automate all of their paper based processes that will directly increase the Martial Arts Academy monthly revenue. The name of the project is MAAS MS, which stands for “Martial Arts Academy School Management System” (pronounced Mac Miss); represents the project team assembled by Bella Tech Solutions to create...

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...they are listed as follows: • Federal Government; • State Government and • Local Government. In addition to the above, there are Statutory Bodies which are incorporated under respective acts and Government Linked Companies which are incorporated under the Companies Act 1967. Malaysia does not prepare whole of government account as each level of government is an accounting entity by itself and is subjected to different Laws and regulations that are being enforced. Basis of Accounting The Federal and State Government have been adopting modified cash basis of accounting in the preparation of the annual financial statements where expenditures incurred in the old financial year but not yet paid will be paid in January of the new financial year and are reported as expenses for the old financial year. As for the Local Government, Statutory Bodies and Government Linked Companies, they have been adopting accrual basis of accounting in the preparation of the general purpose financial statements. Public Sector Accounting Standards The Accountant General’s Department is responsible for issuing of Public Sector Accounting Standards (PSAS) in Malaysia. The objectives of these Standards are to prescribe the basis for presentation of general purpose financial statements in order to ensure comparability and also to comply with the Federal Constitution and Financial Procedure Act 1957 which are being enforced. As of to date, six Public Sector Accounting Standards have been issued...

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Evaluating and Terminating the Project

...Evaluating and Terminating the Project We now come to the final stage in any project—evaluating the result and shutting down the project. As we will see, there are many ways to do both, some relatively formal, some quick and dirty, and some rather casual. We discuss evaluation first, in the generic sense, and then discuss a very specific and often formal type of evaluation known as the project audit. Following this we discuss termination of the project. 8.1 EVALUATION The term “evaluate” means to set the value of or appraise. A project evaluation appraises the progress and performance relative to the project’s initial or revised plan. The evaluation also appraises the project against the goals and objectives set for it during the selection process—amended, of course, by any changes in the goals and objectives made during the project’s life. In addition, evaluations are sometimes made relative to other similar projects. The project evaluation, however, should not be limited simply to an afterthe-fact analysis. Rather, it is useful to conduct an evaluation at a number of crucial points during the project life cycle. Because the primary purpose of a project evaluation is to give feedback to senior management for decision and control purposes, it is important for the evaluation to have credibility in the eyes of both senior management and the project team. The control purpose of evaluation is meant to improve the process of carrying out projects. The decision purpose...

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Grad Audit

...Health, Safety & Environment Total Credit hour Grade Req CrH 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 2 22 Remarks COURSE COMPLETION STATUS Expected Final Semester Graduation, tick ( / ) Course Group Course Registration SEP 2015 Courses Course Group Course Registration JAN 2016 Courses Course Group Course Registration MAY 2016 Courses 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 39 MAJOR TCB1033 TCB1083 TCB2013 TCB2063 TCB2083 TCB3023 3 3 3 3 3 3 Internal ) ) ) Credit Hour Remarks Credit Hour Remarks Credit Hour Remarks Total Credit hour TECHNOLOGY CORE GCB2013 Statistics and Empirical Method GCB3013 Corporate Ethics SCB2053 System Analysis and Design GCB3093 Small Business and Entrepreneurship TCB2023 Operating Systems TCB1013 Structured Programming TCB1043 Computer Organization TCB2053 Object-Oriented Programming TCB2043 Software Engineering TCB3073 IT Project Management FCM1013 Discrete Mathematics SCB1033 Data and Information Management TCB1063 Algorithms & Data Structures Total Credit Hour Web Application Development Data Communications and Networking Human Computer Interaction Network Security Wireless Technology Distributed Computing SEP 2015 ( JAN 2016 ( MAY 2016 ( Total Credit hour Total Credit hour Page 1 of 2 TCB3343 ICB3017 ICB3027 TCB3012 TCB4014 Artificial Intelligence Industrial Training Industrial Project Final Year Project I Final Year Project II Total...

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...PROJECT REPORT ON PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT In N.H.P.C at Baira Suil Power Station Chamba (H.P) FOR THE PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE AWARD OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF: SUBMITTED BY: PROF. SWETA SAURABH AKANKSHA SHARMA MBA 2012-14 SCHOOL OF BUSINESS GALGOTIAS UNIVERSITY Certificate from Faculty Guide This is to certify that the project report Performance Management has been prepared by Ms. Akanksha Sharma under my supervision and guidance. The project report is submitted towards the partial fulfillment of 2 year, full time Master of Business Administration. Name & Sign of Faculty Prof. Sweta Saurabh Date: Declaration I, Akanksha Sharma, Roll no 120SOB102189 student of MBA of School of Business: Galgotias University, Greater Noida, hereby declare that the project report on “Performance Management” at “Galgotias University” is an original and authenticated work done by me. I further declare that it has not been submitted elsewhere by any other person in any of the institutes for the award of any degree or diploma. Name of the student Akanksha Sharma MBA 2012-2014 Date: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT My project report has helped me to gain professional experience which apart from giving me an opportunity to...

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The Collins Class Submarine Project

...EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Royal Australian Navy’s Collins Class Submarine is designed to replace the 30 year old Oberon Submarines. The Collins Class is the first submarine to be made in Australia and is the most advanced of its time due to its software architecture. Deep Trouble addresses various issues that were faced during the design and development stages of the Collins Class project. This report will focus on the interrelationship between the three PMBOK knowledge areas of scope, procurement and quality management and the impact each had on the final project. The Collins Class submarine was prone to excessive noise signatures whilst travelling at speed and lacked the operational capability to enter conflict situations due to the an insufficient combat system. The selection process for the design of the Collins Class and the fundamental capabilities the navy required directly impacted the quality of the final product due to the scope of the design not being fully understood by the manufacturing companies. The Collins Class project was an opportunity for Australia to become a ‘technological powerhouse’ by having the Collins Class submarines built within Australia. This report addressed how certain issues discussed within Deep Trouble impacted the knowledge areas of scope, procurement and quality management within this complex project and how the interrelationship between them contributed to a submarine that has adversely weakened our national defences. ...

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It 221 Final

...Presort Department Third Shift Implementation [pic] Axia College of University of Phoenix IT 221 Analysis and Design of Information Systems February 28, 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 PROJECT Definition 5 2 PROJECT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5 3 PROJECT OVERVIEW 5 4 PROJECT SCOPE 6 4.1 Goals and Objectives 6 4.2 Project Deliverables 6 4.3 Deliverables Out of Scope 6 4.4 Project Estimated Costs & Duration 6 5 PROJECT CONDITIONS 7 5.1 Project Assumptions 7 5.2 Project Risks 7 5.3 Project Constraints 7 6 Project Structure Approach 7 7 Project Team Organization Plans 8 8 Communication Plan 8 8.1 Risks and issues management 8 8.1.1 Potential exceptions and problems 8 8.1.2 Appropriate corrective measures 8 8.2 Change management process 8 8.2.1 Change management process steps 8 8.2.2 Change control board (CCB) 8 9 Development and Implementation 8 9.1 Quality Plan Processes Error! Bookmark not defined. 10 Measurement and Project Closing 9 10.1 Quality Management 9 10.2 Communication Management 9 10.3 Customer Expectation Management 9 10.4 Asset Management 9 10.5 Lessons Learned 9 10.6 Postproject Tasks 10 10.7 Project Closure Recommendations 10 PROJECT DEFINITION The United Mail Presort Department will be implementing a third shift operation to assist the existing first and second shift...

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...Sample Project Charter and Scope Statement from Schwalbe’s Information Technology Project Management, Third Edition, 2004. Table 3-4: Project Charter |Project Title: Project Management Intranet Site Project | |Project Start Date: May 2, 2005 Projected Finish Date: November 4, 2005 | |Budget Information: The firm has allocated $140,000 for this project. The majority of costs for this project will be internal labor. An | |initial estimate provides a total of 80 hours per week. | |Project Manager: Erica Bell, (310)889-5896, | |Project Objectives: Develop a new capability accessible on JWD Consulting’s intranet site to help internal consultants and external | |customers manage projects more effectively. The intranet site will include several templates and tools that users can download, examples of | |completed templates and related project management documents used on real projects, important articles related to recent project management | |topics, article retrieval service, links to other sites with useful information, and an “Ask the Expert” feature, where users can post | |questions they have about their projects and receive...

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Software Project Management Plan

...Software Project Management Plan August 27, 2012 IT Management System Luvianka Olivares Table of Contents Scope Statement.........................................................................................3-4 Work breakdown structure..........................................................................5 Network diagram...........................................................................................6 Risk management plan............................................................................7-10 Resource management plan..................................................................11-12 Communication management plan......................................................13-14 Scope Statement Project Name: IT Management System Project Manager: Luvianka Olivares Project Objectives: To design and install a computer network for a small business. Deliverables: Software package will manage: * Running of all computers in the business * Training and extensive end-user documentation * Technical support self-service website * Full backup process * Security of IT development tools * Project Management- Project charter, project scope statement, status reports, final project report, lessons-learned report, and any other document required to manage this project Milestones: Training digital video files Preliminary database ...

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