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Finance Paper


Submitted By reebeeka
Words 1126
Pages 5
Bachelor of Commerce: Finance & Economics Specialist
(Effective 2012/13)

1. Program Overview & Required Courses

Overview and Summary

•This is a four-year honours program which leads to the Bachelor of Commerce •This Specialist requires 10.0 RSM + 10.0 non-RSM, with 13.5 specified FCEs •10 RSM = 4.0 required + 2.0 specified electives + 4.0 unspecified electives •10 non-RSM = 1.0 MAT + 6.5 ECO + 2.5 unspecified FAS electives •RSM100Y Introduction to Management •ECO100Y Introduction to Economics •MAT133Y Calculus and Linear Algebra *

First-Year Requirements Upper-Year ECO Requirements (i) Upper-Year ECO Requirements (ii)

•ECO204Y/ECO206Y Microeconomic Theory and Applications •ECO208Y/ECO209Y Macroeconomic Theory •ECO220Y/ECO227Y Quantitative Methods in Economics **

•2.5 from any 300+ ECO

Upper-Year RSM Requirements (i)

•RSM219H Introduction to Financial Accounting •RSM222H Management Accounting I •RSM230H Financial Markets •RSM330H Investments •RSM332H Capital Market Theory •RSM333H Introduction to Corporate Finance •0.5 from: •RSM250H Principles of Marketing •RSM260H Organizational Behaviour •RSM270H Operations Management •RSM392H Strategic Management •1.0 from: •RSM430H Fixed Income Securities •RSM432H Risk Management for Financial Managers •RSM433H Advanced Corporate Finance •RSM434H Financial Trading Strategies •RSM435H Futures and Options Markets •RSM437H International Finance •0.5 from: •RSM295Y/296Y/395Y Special Topics: Summer Abroad •RSM437H International Finance (NOTE: RSM437H may be counted towards requirement iii or iv - not both) •RSM462H Managing People in the Context of Globalization •RSM480H Business in a Global Economy •RSM490H International Business •RSM491H Globalization and Capital Markets: Political Economy and Investment Strategy

Upper-Year RSM Requirements (ii)

Upper-Year RSM Requirements (iii)

Upper-Year RSM

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