Premium Essay

Follower Characteristics


Submitted By srclay5441
Words 865
Pages 4
The five characteristics/styles of a follower are described by Robert E. Kelley as an alienated follower, conformist, pragmatic survivor, passive follower, and effective follower. Each has different characteristics and can be the effect of different leadership styles perceived in the workplace. Alienated followers are usually very effective and independent followers, yet they do not have very good relationships with their superiors. They spend a lot of time complaining about their boss’s shortcomings instead of committing to work. While a critical thinker, they are usually capable of fulfilling tasks, but unwilling to do so. An alienated follower is typically the result a superior not keeping a promise, or when the employee runs into obstacles. An example of an alienated follower is an accountant who is given the option to relax in the break room and complain to fellow employees and their boss, versus putting in extra effort to help a client for their boss, they would stick to the break room. The second characteristic is a conformist. Unlike the alienated follower, a conformist is very involved in a healthy relationship with the boss. While not as much of a critical thinker, a conformist simply does what he or she is told. They are over dependent on their leaders and do not look at possible consequences that could result from their actions. No matter what task is being requested of them, they follow orders without question. This is usually the result of working with strict and rigid rules that would not allow any individualism, leading the employee to conform to their environment and not rebel or retaliate. Consider a police officer whose boss asked her to take a cop car to pick up his kids from school while on the clock. She would not try to question or retaliate, but simply do as she is told. The police officer in that scenario represents a conformist, because

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