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Forms of Establishments Under the Prc Foreign Investment Regime


Submitted By SirK
Words 1676
Pages 7
The foreign investment regime of the Peoples Republic of China has evolved considerably in recent years. With its rapidly expanding and potentially enormous market size, the consensus of international investors is that China is currently on of the most promising country’s in the world for foreign investment.
Nevertheless, international investors have also pointed out that the current foreign investment regime in the Peoples Republic of China is far from being perfect. Despite its determination to pursue a market economy and comply with international practices, China remains a socialist state with planned economy influence and its government still emphasizes stability and control above all else. Pioneering foreign investors who have been operating in China during the past few decades have long been used to a highly non-transparent and especially in China a bureaucratic system that requires foreign investors to follow local laws and practices and navigate around numerous restrictions that only apply to foreigners. Complex approval processes, layers of government bureaucracy, high political pressure, together with inconsistent interpretation and enforcement of laws are phenomena that have long annoyed foreign investors in China.

In 2001 China became a full member of the World Trade Organization. One of the first immediate effects of China’s entry was that, as a member of the World Trade Organization, China was obliged to open its domestic market further to foreign investors. Since the joining, China has been revising large numbers of new laws and regulations, including those especially effecting foreign investors. In this respect, the accession of China has encouraged an increase in mergers and acquisitions in the Peoples Republic of China as special restrictions or prohibitions against foreign acquisitions of certain types of companies or assets of companies in

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