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Four Loves Argument Essay


Submitted By hcollins
Words 1987
Pages 8
The Four Loves is philosophical Literature based on the different loves described in Greek thought. Consider what Lewis indicates about each one of the four loves, familial or affectionate love (storge), friendship (philia), romantic love (Eros), and spiritual love (agape), and present your own philosophical treatment for each of these. Incorporate 2 to 3 scholarly research sources for this argument essay. Use MLA citation. Create an argument that is 4 to 5 double-spaced pages, exclusive of the work cited page. Consult the Writing Rubric. Proofreads thoroughly.
15th Century philosopher, Francois De La Rochefund stated, “There is only one kind of love, but there are a thousand different versions.” In The Four Loves, C. S. Lewis presented his philosophical view on The Four Loves as described in Greek thought. They are, namely, Familial or Affectionate love, Friendship, Romantic love and, Spiritual love. Lewis led the readers to reflect on his interpretation of each type as he tried to prove that the real glory of the natural loves lies in the divine love of God. This divine love is the highest form of love, and all the other loves are its offspring.
Lewis first discussed the affectionate love also known as Storge. According to Lewis, “almost anyone can become an object of affection It ignores the barriers of sex, age, class, education” (p. 55 -56). There are different types of attachment that may develop between two persons or between an individual and an object. This affection is a kind of fondness and does not necessarily mean that those affected have a lot in common. For example, a rich man lying in a hospital bed can form a bond of affection with his doctor or nurse. A parent will have affection for his or her child, but this affection may not always be reciprocated. One can have affection for one’s car, but the car cannot return the feeling for it is an

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