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Frankenstein Essay


Submitted By JDoz
Words 1190
Pages 5
Prompt 2: Victor Frankenstein is more alienated than the monster he creates.

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, written during the Romantic period, tells the story of

Victor Frankenstein, whose hunger for knowledge of the scientific universe drives him to create

a human monster. Throughout the novel, Frankenstein describes his experiences with the

monster to Robert Walton as horrifying and frightening. Shelley successfully demonstrates the

Romantic concept of focusing on the self through the nature of the monster and Frankenstein, as

well as through nature itself. Though both the monster and Frankenstein elicit forms of isolation,

Frankenstein’s memories and experiences with his family and decision in toying with science

and nature proves him more alienated than the monster he creates.

Frankenstein’s memories and experiences with his family prove him more alienated than

the monster. When Frankenstein receives a letter from his cousin, Elizabeth, she writes:

“My dearest Cousin, you have been ill, very ill, and even the constant letters of dear Kind Henry

are not sufficient to reassure me on your account” (Shelley 48). Elizabeth expresses concern for

Frankenstein’s health, giving him a sense of love and care. Because Frankenstein holds a special

connection to Elizabeth, someone he loves dearly, the thought of losing her terrifies him.

Frankenstein’s bond to Elizabeth makes the monster’s murdering of her overwhelming and

horrifying, contributing to Frankenstein’s isolation. Henry Clerval also expresses concern when

he says to Frankenstein, “It gives me the greatest delight to see you; but tell me how you left my

father, brothers, and Elizabeth” (45). Because Henry visits Frankenstein, worrying about his

health and well-being, Frankenstein also experiences a sense of belonging and love. However,

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