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Fugitive Slave Act and It's Effects


Submitted By Patrick531
Words 392
Pages 2
After the American Revolution, the North and South developed different views of life. The North developed busy cities, embraced technology and industry, and built factories run by paid workers. The South had remained an agricultural society. The Southern economy and way of life was based on the cotton crop. The South relied on the work of enslaved African Americans to do the work out in the fields. When it came to Americas expansion you had to decide if the new territories were going to be slave or free states. Many northerners wanted to end slavery all together, but the south relied on them, and wanted to keep them. The Compromise of 1850 was s series of compromises to help relieve tensions in the states. It made it so that California would be admitted as a free state. The people of the territories of New Mexico and Utah would decide the slavery question by popular sovereignty. The slave trade, but not slavery, would be ended in Washington D.C. Congress would pass new a strict new fugitive slave law. Texas would give up its claims in New Mexico for $10 million. The Fugitive Slave Act allowed people from the South to go up into the Northern free states, and take back fugitive slaves. The Southern slave owners could now go up north and get the escaped slaves back from the North. It also allowed for them to take some free African Americans, and save they were escaped. Free African Americans had to worry about people from the south coming up, and claiming that they were escaped slaves, even if they had earned their freedom. The northern whites could be arrested for helping the escaped African Americans or the ones who were said to be escaped, but actually free, The fugitive slaves in the north now were being returned to the plantations in the south that they had escaped from. The fugitive slave Act allowed for people to lie about people being slaves so that they

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